Very important russian airfield attacked. The air defence can’t do s#1t about it and all that’s needed are a few missiles from the 90s!
That guy builds drones like no-one else’s business.
I wish Australia and more countries would invest into small businesses that can build these kind of drones.
The cost to to effectiveness ratio of these is just insane. Ukraine has proven the effectiveness of loitering munitions.
Edit: Fixed typo and grammar.
I buy a lot off eBay. Not that they’re perfect, but at least they’re not owned by Bezoz.
Half Life - Alyx
Finally supporting PWAs on Desktop? Bringing back battery APIs and Network APIs so we can develop powerful apps than run on firefox.
Edit fixed typos.
You’re proving my point exactly. The imperial system is so convoluted that even people that INSIST that EVERYONE should use it, don’t understand its units.
Just because most people don’t have to deal with a certain conversion, doesn’t mean that none do. There are enough engineers that design stuff which is related to problems on these variations in scale. They waste hours in productivity in needlessly complicated conversions (because fractions). Not to mention the mistakes that get introduced like the famous Mars lander that crashed because of imperial unit conversions.
Not only are the units incredibly inconsistent, you also have the issue that Brits and boat people use variation of some of the same units. US Gallons vs British Gallons, mile vs nautical mile. MPH, vs knots. That barley corn that Holzkohlen mentioned defines shoe sizes, unless of course, you don’t wear shoes.
Didn’t you see the meme: “There are 2 types of countries, those that ise the metric system and those that landed on the moon.”?
It’s also usually shared by the same idiots that don’t realise that barley corn is an actual measurement in their beloved imperial system.
Ask any of these smart arses how barley corns are in a foot or how many feet are in a mile and suddenly you hear excuses. Not to forget that the inch defined by the meter.
Überall auf Lemmy und super aktiv auf r/Place 🌈🇩🇪🍞🐘🚒🚄🌭
Hungary, have you finally over-stepped it?
I’ve been using Vivaldi for a while That’s run by a team of ex Opera Browser engineers.
METAs apps effin stink! They’re buggy, have annoying habits and I can’t do a lot of the stuff I want. The most annoying part of them is their instance on their handcrafted image selector which vaguely sorts content by date.
I’ve got 20 years of images on my phone. If I want to post an image to a comment that I took 10 years ago, I’ll be sitting there scrolling like a numbnut to find it. On web-apps I can just use the file browser or even Android extension to find the image I want in a way that makes sense.
Looking at that sudden increase in OS X usage, I assume its related to the M1 chip? Although I still wouldn’t touch apple with a 6foot pole. People love to shit on Microsoft, at least they tend to treat their staff well. Everyone seems to have forgotten that Apple fitted nets at their Foxconn factory.
I can als troubleshoot any OS except stuff made by the fruit business as everything is hidden behind secret button combinations and lock outs.
That shit sucks. When blue LEDs became a thing all sorts of electronics adopted them and they were effin everywehre.
This makes you appreciate professional equipment which is less likely to have those ridiculously bright ones. Lenovo usually have pretty discrete orange LEDs on their professional equipment. The large professional Dell monitor I use at work, while fitted with a white LED, has a very dim one.
That’s a link to Louis’s video:
Sad really as I also like the idea behind it. I’ve been running Cyanogenmod on 2 old phones in the past and just installed LineageOS on an old Tab S2 to breathe some new life into that old but still good tablet.
Seems to have been converted to become a convertible. Did you find any instructions to replicate this mod if I find a stock laptop?