Yeah. It’s really sad that a lot of people on remote areas in the Amazon will be affected by a ban on starlink. They also spent quite a bit of money for Brazil’s standards on the equipment as well.
Still, this shouldn’t be the reason to put anyone above the law, no one should be above a county’s law.
If this actually happens it may really backfire on Elon and all companies he’s involved, at least in Brazil.
As you invested your money in one of his companies products and now because of his massive ego/lack of mental stability you either lost support, functionality or access to parts (for maintenance of hardware) and I doubt any of his companies would pay their users for this inconvenience. This would make using any of the products he’s involved with too risky, better to just use a more “mentally stable” competitor even if the service or product is slightly worse.
I don’t know anything about this subject with the exception of a video I watched a while ago mentioning that most hydroponic startups end up failing because the cost is too high as you always need a specialist and you can only grow smaller plants/veggies there. This compared with traditional farms.
Does this change that at all? I’m hoping it does as I’d love that hydroponics got much more financially viable as I honestly believe they’ll be our future considering global warming and pests as well.
Don’t think Apple security is much better. I’ve read news before about insiders that will unlock stolen phones. They work closely with the criminals and it’s a more “professional” operation. Probably it’s not as easy as doing it for an android but having an iPhone and thinking that if someone steals yours it will just become a paperweight is wrong. Sadly
I remember watching a video not long ago about this girl in South Korea who went to uni, couldn’t find a job in her area. Then started doing web development and also had to work in a convenience store and could barely survive.
I know there’s a lot of people who never wanted to have kids to begin with and that pop decline is a worldwide phenomenon right now. However, even if someone wanted to have kids, how the heck can you do it if you can barely survive even with 2 jobs?
The fact that I found this funny indicates I may have a mental eelness
So. I’m a happy Manjaro user. I don’t install a lot of things and have had AUR updates break stuff likely due to the 2 weeks delay Manjaro adds to their packages.
I’m still using it on multiple devices and I’m really happy. I considered moving to endeavour but I wasn’t sure how it would handle hardware updates. I mean, my understanding is that Manjaro is more “noob” friendly and I don’t consider myself an expert. I used the Manjaro hardware helper to fix my video drive several times and I like the simplicity of the command. Does endeavour require a more advanced user? Does it have the “easy to use” troubleshooting things that Manjaro has?
Ah. What about the Kernel uploader? I think the Manjaro one is unique to Manjaro right? Is there another one for regular arch/endeavour?
Why other modelling company? The customer of the modelling company can just do it themselves and completely make modelling companies irrelevant.
I’m very impressed to learn that dogs can be trained even to smell bed bugs.
All the games are amazing. Such a shame they’re closing down
Thanks for this :)
I’m am a big fan of rust and tauri. Nice to see it being used here. I’ll definitely give this a try :)
What makes me confused is that the epic games website is a lot quicker than their app. I reckon they’re not using electron and maybe are using something much worse. Not sure if it was a joke but long ago I’ve heard someone suggesting it was actually unreal engine and not electron
Oh. That’s great to know. I thought it was more serious considering other countries were banning imports from those regions.
I wonder how bad this is going to be. I hope my country starts checking for radioactivity in fish imported. Considering that some fish can travel quite far I wouldn’t be surprised if the ones from anywhere near Japan and close countries could have unsafe levels of radiation.
I read some article last week mentioning that the advanced filtering system for water was practically useless. Hopefully I just understood it wrong.
NotTheOnion. Lol
My concern here is how poorly edited the watch is on everyone’s wrists. The cyclist one is the worse one.
That’s what made me like it as well. The slow pacing to actually show the invaders. All the stuff that happened and no one ever imagining it would be invaders instead of natural disasters for example. Made seeing the first one much more pleasant than if they gave them away on the first ep for example.
Lol. Is this just a joke or is it from sobre crazy manga?
To my knowledge at this moment we only have one app for android and one for iOS. You can see them both in here: