What about international waters 3+ miles off the coast?
What about international waters 3+ miles off the coast?
That option was never off the table. It would make it easier for those of us who prefer justice over murder to block the community of those who want society to devolve into chaos and anarchy. Those who call for violence and some half assed revolution. I don’t need you here.
I’m tired of hearing people espouse their basest thoughts only to come up with murder is justified. It took you two seconds to come up with that? What happens next? When the tribe has devolved to a point where even they could be the target who will be there to say maybe we went too far. Well the line was passed miles ago and you didn’t even realize you crossed it.
All this has taught me is that we have a severe morality and ethics problem. It probably happened about a generation ago. I wonder what stopped being instilled or taught (or who did the teaching) to cause this devolution. That’s what I’m worried about right now.
Bob Parr not ‘Paar’. Easily mistaken if you’re from Russia or not from a western country.
Look kids. If you wanna get Conjunctivitis, E. Coli, Hepatitis, or Tapeworms, in addition to your STD. By all means keep licking the chocolate starfish. You do you. But you don’t have to censor the word ‘ass’ if that’s your behavior.
First layer too close as everyone has said, but I’ve also seen that effect when the flow rate is too high.
The implication is that if you want something of quality you are going to expect to pay for that quality.
If it’s cheap then corners were cut. Several years ago the tech was just as you described. Not perfect. I bought an ender 3 pro and it wasn’t perfect. I sank a lot of money into it to get an “acceptable” result. It sounds like you selected hard-mode and chose a Delta. I can’t imagine what you went through. I hope you’re ok.
I recently got back into the hobby, and decided to spend more for a better quality printer. Prusa was the Cadillac back when I was toiling in Ender upgrades. What I have found is that newer printers and and slicer software have made a drastic leap forward. Things are markedly better all around.
I chose Prusa, but it was a tough choice. I probably would have been just as happy with Bambu, but I would have paid more.
Based on my journey I suggest you spend more for quality. Right now that’s Bambu lab and prusa. Prusa is behind, but the customer service is there. Bambu is going through some legal troubles, so that is something to consider.
I think because it’s been a a minute since you’ve dabbled you’ll find things have improved. Maybe don’t buy a delta. The Prusa MK4s bed slinger is the fastest bed slinger. The Bambu core XY is faster and comes with an enclosure. Prusa just announced a Core XY but it wont ship for months and it has smaller in build dimensions.
As far as budget printers go, I haven’t wasted any time looking into them. I wasn’t gonna mess around and find out this time. Maybe there is something out there that would make you happy, but I’m not going to gamble and suggest one.
I saw the video this morning before work. I’m in the same boat as you. Bought a MK4s about 2 months ago. Very happy with it, but I want that CORE One.
The product page says it won’t ship until Jan ‘25, so I’m just gonna be patient and wait for stock to arrive at PrintedSolid in the US. Hopefully they’ll have some by summer. If I still want it that badly I’ll get it. Maybe the urge will pass and I’ll be content with my MK4s.
Just being born in some geographical location doesn’t make you a decendant of their people. You are a decendant of where your ancestors are from. If your family doesn’t celebrate their heritage then pick the one that best describes where they come from. Maybe sit down and ask your parents or grand parents some questions about your ancestry so you can come to an identity based on facts.
Should we report them for attempting commit fraud for posing as an official complaint office?
“Everyone but me is a moron” is the mark of the moron.
I’ve heard it phrased: “If you’re surrounded by assholes. Maybe you’re the asshole.”
The two D’s are for a “double-dose of pimpin”.
She has not gone out of her way to criticize Trump, and has instead treated both Trump and Harris as being equally bad…
I’m sold.
But people in the original Lemmy thread told me it was the Klan! The op, “Buttflapper” reports: “They were filming and had fake county employee badges, immediately trespassed and removed”. Surely they didn’t jump to conclusions and were wrong!
My guy early voting down in GA.
… I’m pretty sure their pixel art was “heavily inspired” by Castlevania from the start. The last time I played it I noticed it started shifting away from that.
Aka. P. Defendant.
What is the actual quality of the game?
Did you know about this game? Did you buy and play this game? Did you actually like this game?
Are you one of the ~220 people who bought this game and didn’t spread the word to their friends.
It sounds to me like this game sucks. Maybe it was rotten from the start. Maybe they were forced to hire a bunch of mentally ill people with a massive chip on their shoulder to ‘advise’ and change the game to tick some boxes on a list. ( don’t you just love having fun according to a list of prescribed requirements? ) I bet the people working on it like that. Talk about a soul sucking job without passion. We will probably never know the truth.
I’m a pessimist.
I think it would be ‘overstating’ deepening on which side of the fence you sit. Microprose can’t possibly be the same team members they were 20-40 years ago. If you are nostalgic for a game you played as a child then maybe be a little guarded for what a completely different group does with the IP.
I’ve seen that it tends to affect phones with a mechanical zoom camera. Like iPhones and Galaxy’s. My bike has apple car play built in, so I tend to just keep my phone in my pocket and use the cross bar controls on the left handle to navigate the menus, no need to take my hands off the bars to tap a damn screen while going over bumps.
How are your knees? I saw that episode as a kid. Mine make noises when I stand up.
Tell me which article and section of the US constitution makes them citizens? Not disputing it. Just want you to cite. I think I found the vague section you might be referring to. It doesn’t cover illegal aliens.