How do I get banned from OneDrive? Upload shit tons of garbage to clog their drives? I know they could probably add more space faster than I can upload but it would still make me happy to slowly feed them useless files that only take up space.
That’s niave. You don’t think words are spoken behind closed doors. All the paperwork is to cover their ass so they can point to it later when questions. Everything gets swept under the rug when you are hired to investigate the people who hired you.
I don’t think these people work with enough people. I’m working with a few 60+ people and a few of them should’ve retired at 60.
Depends on the country. This wiki article goes over a bunch of countries.
The article is talking about video call consultations with nurses. Read the article or argue the point.
Thanks. Still smaller than the power brick that came with the laptop.
I used the larger lid for a bit but found it a little large and I never used the suction support so I made a new lid without room for it.
As long you don’t get hyper sensitive to the signs. You could end up overthinking any little sign when it could mean nothing.
What material did you print this in? Sanding generates heat pretty easily and may soften some materials. I’m curious of your experience with that as you’ve given me some ideas for sanding jigs.
I don’t know if I’m ready to switch my main PC over to Linux just yet but I may give it a try with my media server PC. I mostly just torrent and run Plex on. Would be a good environment to test it in. It’s basically just a PC made from old parts and it’s running windows 10 right now.
For the wireless charger I got one of those Anker ones that hold it at angle like stand, so I put my phone on it while I’m at my desk. I can look at it and check any notifications that come in without having to pick it up. Saves me from having another cord on my desk.
Those look like pretty big gaps, close to 1" on the biggest. That’s gonna take a whole of woodfiller.
What is the 4B movement?
That dick wasn’t enforcable. I can’t say if it’s illegal where he comes from but I doubt they would take him to court to enforce it.
I’m not excited. The publishers with the worst DLC track record taking on a competitor with an almost shittier track record with DLCs. Sounds like we’ll get a real shake up in genre /s
My dad used to talk about them. He’d call it faggots and peas.
I have feeling that’s only gonna help those at the top. It’ll make the sector easier to control by consolidating it, but if anything goes wrong their gonna fall hard. But I’m no expert in the field.
Who debunked this? I don’t any comments debunking it.
Also if you read the article it has limited applications so it’s not some pie in the sky you think it.
Seems like that may be able to be solved on the website side of things. Make the citations expandable, so they all look like one, click the plus sign to show them all.
Young child, shrooms? Are you sure you’re not the one on shrooms?
There is a picture on the site showing how to use but you’d have to know what the honing guide is too for that to make sense. This really is only good for people who want to sharpen a chisel.
If you’re more curious the print basically replaces the one made in this video.