Just spin it as a car regulation instead of a gun regulation.
Just spin it as a car regulation instead of a gun regulation.
Him saying he knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive today is less descriptive than me saying I know more about the internet than anyonet. I work in manufacturing and the space is massive. What field if manufacturering? Because in the tesla alone there are dozens of separate fields of industrial manufacturing and he isn’t even the preeminent expert in automotive manufacturing let alone any of the components in the car.
Agreed, and the passing from the article implies that she was prepped and had an idea that he was shitty then realized how terrible a person he is once he met her. He’s in the news so much over the last 8-9 years but before 2015/2016 most people knew fairly little about him unless you read his biography which his biographer has come out and said it’s very sanitized.
I mean, why would she care? He’s was a US business man and she was a German politician. They would have little to no overlap and even when he became president she had more to do than spend the days of would take going over his list of bullshittery. It’s easy to see immediately that he is a terrible person, realizing that he’s quite literally toxic takes actually investing time into.
Replacing some small to mid size appliances. Mine are generally 7-10 years old and some of the cooking ones are becoming unsafe to use due to wear. New air fryer to replace the one that smokes when it runs and the toaster oven that has two burnt out coils. Potentially a new dryer of the motor replacement is cost prohibitive.
If I can’t fix it and expect 3+more years of use it needs to be replaced in the next 6 months.
Biden’s dealing with the ramifications of his hubris. He thought he would win another term, then thought Harris would win, and could continue softballing this war and now that he knows he’s out of time. If he doesn’t do absolutely everything he can to open up resources for Ukraine now then Putin wins. Putin will most likely win anyway now but this at least will be something.
They actively donate to anti lgbtq causes. They are explicitly the one I avoid because of this.
In Ohio you have to vote early at the county election board and last I checked it was only open regular business hours. For me that means 30 minute drive in, pay for parking, 30 minute drive home. Waiting until election day I can walk to my piling place in 10 minutes, wait in line for 30-45,then walk home in 10 minutes. For a lot of places it’s not as easy as voting on election day.
Bird law
Make the mandatory minimum fine 105% of the estimated revenue.
The problem with TEXIT is the same with BREXIT and pretty much any libertarian policy in that it expects so many things to stay the same.
As soon as this happens, assuming the US take direct military action, all the US bases are gone. Same with all defense contractors. Technology companies are gone too, they do not want to go through the headache of working with the US a foreign company. That’s Texas Instruments and HP.
Taxes will skyrocket. They will lose all the US tax subsidies that allow them to have no state income tax and now they need to replace all military personnel and infrastructure.
They will probably not bottom out but they aren’t going to be a world power. They will pretty much be Spain in terms of economy.
Now it’s pretty man stream but at the time they made this video sum 41 were total unknowns. All the people in the video were fans that answered a email from their manager to a fan list and were pretty much just told when and where to show up. The acting was all ad libed. It is one of the most indie music videos that I know of.
I loved my LG v10 and galaxy s5. Those phones just worked and worked great for a long time.
I don’t want a dumb phone. I want a circa 2014 smart phone that is not expected to replace my laptop and serve as a constant data stream for corporations. I want to be able to visit a website on my phone and not have it try to get me to download an app, be ads on 70% of the screen, or just be unreadable formatting. Let me call, text, do a basic online search, play a stupid flash game, and take my money. Stop being greedy and trying to make everything I do monetizable
Short answer is yes. Long answer is yes because of cash bail and how expensive it is to mount a defense
I can’t believe it’s only 5k.I’m in that much medical debt just from having kids.
Dude a news article from over 4 months ago without noting the time period is bad form.
If you like them The Agonist is a good band in the same vein. Alissa White-Glutz fronted them until she left for arch enemy and was replaced by Vicky Psarakis