So where in his Scooby Doo story do we pull off his mask and reveal the raging homosexual that he is…not that there’s anything wrong with that….just wanna see the hypocrisy on full display
Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right
So where in his Scooby Doo story do we pull off his mask and reveal the raging homosexual that he is…not that there’s anything wrong with that….just wanna see the hypocrisy on full display
Fuck this asshole. Post their faces on every billboard in Times Square. Dox them all. Anyone associated with Jan 6 should all be shot out of a cannon into the Atlantic or Pacific ocean, whichever is cheaper. Imagine what would have been going on in this country had they succeeded. That’s what the punishment should be based on.
🏴☠️Ahoy Mateys! Avast and shiver me timbers. Tis a good day upon the high seas
Why would any company sell batteries that need to be replaced less often? Companies are greedy as fuck and don’t care about consumers. It’s all about their bottom line. And if you’re not buying enough, often enough, than companies hate you.
Sell EV’s under $30k and you’ll sellout!
Anybody that pays for a cam-girl is an idiot and I feel slightly bad for them. Anybody that pays for an AI rendering of a cam-girl is a fucking moron and that’s it
Same thing caused the I-35W Mississippi River bridge collapse* in Minneapolis. Take cues from the Norwegians and Swedes; crushed rock for traction, spiked tires for traction and no chemical salt to fuck up your land and waterways.
Snow was here before humans and will continue long after we exterminate ourselves from the planet. Learn to live with it and stop fighting nature.
Edit: a word*
The glass cleaner was the first thing I saw here. I love it!! And the sponge holder is pretty nifty too
There’s more plastic in that “cheese” than there is in a straw
Micro transactions extend beyond video games and airline companies are the biggest offenders. Flying in the US is a scam and a half. Want a seat? Pay. Want some water? Pay. Pretty soon, want oxygen? PAY!
Dude, I’m sitting here like what is Decoy321 talking about?! I see a strike through (I’m on the Voyager app). For me it was stricken through. Before I replied I checked the desktop version and then I saw my weird shrunken reich (this time on purpose). Thanks for the heads up cause I would literally have never known
Trump is running a draconian platform; Muskee is running an antisemitic website.
If we all don’t wake up, Trump-ler and Elon Muskells will bring about the Forth Reich Wrong
Edit: in this comment Hitler is a low level Donald Trump and Joseph Goebbels is a poor Elon Musk. In reality all 4 are Nazi shit-heel, boot-lickers
Stuck between a rock and a hard place. It sucks.
I’m tired of the 2 party system. I don’t think I really have a party or political ideology that aligns with Democrats or Republicans and third party candidates are all over the place. I want to start voting on issues and not just politicians.
I don’t care what my politician’s feelings are. They represent a constituency and the only things they should be speaking about and for are exactly what they’re being asked for. Instead we have this political machine that takes every issues and gives it a red spin and a blue spin and then it’s force fed to the people.
Congress should not be creating our ideologies they should create the laws that structure the things the citizens want.
The Supreme Courr overturned Roe v Wade, put it on the ballet and let the people decide.
Gun control, put it on the ballet
Universal health care, put it on the ballet
Abandoning fossil fuels, put it on the ballet
Stop forcing your political and personal ideologies on us and start listing to the people. If we vote “Yes” on universal health care, the politicians must then go and figure out how to make it happen.
Let it truly be a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
Trumpy-wumpy has too many chargie-wargies and his MAGA judge thinks he needs a wittle break…
Why is this movie great? It’s accurate AF, that’s why!
What’s the stupidest pair of footwear you can imagine? Probably, maybe Crocs?? If that was your answer, it was also the costume designer and Mike Judge’s thought too…which is why everyone in the future wears them.
…now to address the “why is it great”
Walk outside and tell me more than half the people you meet aren’t fucking retards. Then look down and you will see at least half of those idiots are wearing Crocs. Mike Judge=Nostradamus? 🤔 Maybe
…that he’s not in jail yet? Agreed! 👍
Dude the progress on this costume has been fun to watch! It looks legit AF!!!
Have you ever played any Grandpa Beck’s Games? My wife and I love Skull King
This is great advice. It’s all a game and if you wanna win, you’ve gotta play it and cheat codes are fair play!
All laws that impact our rights should be up for a vote. Then after X number of years they should be back on the ballot to see if the public opinion has changed