So, Tux Kart?
Edit: or more old school, Wacky Wheels (I think I still have a copy somewhere)
So, Tux Kart?
Edit: or more old school, Wacky Wheels (I think I still have a copy somewhere)
I don’t think Farm Simulator has any combat
I live in a remote place and a few times a year have to live without stuff, so my list after water, food and shelter (assuming those are the minimum version of what the word means) would be: A sanitary toilet A means of washing oneself A reliable way of cooking food A reliable way of providing light at night Access to
Yaught - Paradise Engineering.
Bring in the retro synth, introduce a slapping bass beat, and just when you’re ready for a shot of adrenalin in comes the overraught, out of tempo, spoken word over the top.
Similarly, every Mogwai album has to have a synth-voice track for some reason. Presumably to give the audience a chance to go to the loo without missing anything.
I’m in what was one of the greener parts of Spain, we’re on year 2 of a drought already and over the last 3 years we’ve repeatedly hit 40°.
I’m genuinely worried for the future, and it feels completely out of my hands.
I can totally see why you wouldn’t like Snowrunner … I love it, and doing rescue missions to recover flipped trucks and struggling through hard terrain at a slow pace are the parts I like about it, lol
It’s funny how you describe team sports for kids, when I was young it was always used as a system to punish the weak.
Anywho, my favourite hobbies that keep me fit have all been based on not being in a team. Mountain biking was always the best, but now my knees disagree so I’m doing 3D / field archery … I’ve managed to make a new friend through that, so even though I’m crap I still enjoy going :-)
Well, I went and looked it up and apparently since the iPhone 4 onwards Apple actually started to get their shit together and started supporting their hardware for more than 3 years … I do find it funny though that an unsupported iPhone can’t connect to the app store at all while even the evil Google’s old apps can still get live data without problems.
Yes, it’s a 3G. In black if minutiae matter to you.
It doesn’t have maps, and most websites are unsupported even though it’s far newer than the old Android phone.
I can’t use the iPhone 3 I have in a drawer, even though there’s nothing wrong with it. Meanwhile my HTC that runs Android 1.2 still works with Google maps just fine.
I was also pissed off when all the OSX software dropped support for single-core Intel processors which rendered some very expensive 2 year old machines at work useless for anything Mac-specific.
For context, my Dad is still using a PC I built out of parts recovered from a skip in 2008, and it works just fine.
Do they last longer? I have an IPhone 3 somewhere that just decided to stop working, yet my HTC with Android 1.2 still works fine.
Most of what’s held me back from Apple products has been their planned obsolescence, where the OS was no longer supported, which I’ve never had with a PC. I’ve had my cheap second hand laptop for 7 years now and that still works fine with the latest software
Similarly to this, I mostly don’t read or engage with news feeds on social media and keep up to date by reading a local news site that’s curated by hand and the international version of the guardian website for the big stuff … although the Guardian is generally doom and gloom there are upbeat stories listed too and it’s not a never-ending list of depression like Facebook/reddit/some communities on Lemmy.
Linux Mint is easier to use than Windows
Its prime prog-rock, by all means check out their other stuff, along with things like Hawkwind. Some of it looses the path but a lot doesn’t :-)
Thanks, it looks like a pretty diverse range!
What good native Linux ARM games are there?
This is great, because it located me about a full day’s drive from where I live, so I’m still pretty anonymous :-)
Has anything that starts with an X been poisoned now? If I were xstore’s marketing department I’d feel a little on edge right now.
In other news this headline made me feel old, it took ,e a while to understand what it was trying to say
Ah, it’s the phones, I thought it was 12 year olds and was a commentary on the GOP or something
1: An open world exploration game that doesn’t have combat … like Breath of the Wild but without all the fighting and with lots of short stories and puzzles.
Basically I want to be able to go wandering off and uncover ancient ruins etc without having to fight for my life.
2: Snowrunner, but with a good narrative story mode and gearboxes that actually work.
There’s so much potential to have engaging stories in that game, which could be tied into improved game structure (namely restricting truck / tire choice to make some tasks challenging in an interesting way).