I think it was a sous vide thing.
I think it was a sous vide thing.
“When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.”
“The brutally honest care more about the brutality than the honesty.”
“Reasonable people can disagree reasonably.”
I can’t live up to those ideals but it would be cruel to myself and others to stop trying to.
Wasn’t there one of these where he kept a steak in the danger zone for like a week or so?
What a system is capable of doing initially for a lucky fraction of the populace and where its inevitable and terrible end leads for the vast majority are two entirely different things.
Which is so silly when you think about it: “this tire expert isn’t a REAL mechanic”. Okay…and?? We need both.
Not inside the vagina, but the…bubble, for lack of a better term, can meander to the opening and sit there until you surreptitiously take a long stride. Might be what they mean.
Thank you, that makes sense. I wasn’t sure if the sleep deprivation was just making me (more of) an idiot.
Logically, if he treats the sex worker right, with no demanding, no (non negotiated/sane) violence, and his actions don’t extend into monogamous relationships, and his views on future sexual partners are neither transactional nor cruel, it should be fine.
Emotionally would likely be a different story for the partner, or at least for me. Partly due to the stigma attached to sex work, and partly due to feelings of inadequacy or worry about needing to perform unwanted acts, and partly due to a suspicion that that really would affect his views, because people’s thoughts and feelings are messy, sprawling things that don’t fit into the mental cabinets we stuff them into. But if the partner couldn’t get over that, then they’re not for him.
And yes, this applies to women who pay for sex workers, too. Or at least it damn well should.
I can’t be the only one who can’t parse this sentence.
I’m sorry, can you rephrase this? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
A discussion of orthopedic shoes.
Note: the above site is trying to sell you on them, but the concepts/justifications they discuss pertain to your question.
You could tempt him outside with the veterinarian’s clientele.
How long could each of these options live off the other?
I don’t agree that the reaction to what rightwingers say is so thoughtlessly contrary. In my experience, the reaction is usually “…huh, not what I expected, but okay. Oh, wait, THAT’S the reason they hate it? Nevermind…”
Oh right, I had heard about that: there’s a filter. I’m not sure what instance it’s on and what words it filters, though.
I was using the verb version of a word for a female dog.
Oh neat, and there’s a gluten free one! My mom will love that. Thank you!
That’s a good point, and you’re right that I’m conflating them.
What other elements of AI would you imagine would be useful here?
America is harder to live in the poorer you are, and it’s on a steeper scale than in other industrialized nations because there are fewer and less robust social services, especially health and child care, and declines in union membership have paired with a rapid increase in wealth inequality that is forcing the shrinking middle class downward and stomping on the poor even harder.
You can live a comfortable life (for now…) if you are firmly middle class and up. Your higher salary than your counterparts in Europe is eaten away at by higher costs, and you deal with risks that they don’t in the form of transportation being car dominated (more accidents and less walking exercise) easy access to guns (the most dangerous being the one in your own home, to you) and less strict food safety laws. Compared to those in Eastern Europe, however, your likelihood of suffering from a foreign attack is drastically lower, not that it was ever very high to begin with.
One thing that Americans take pride in (and rightly, mind you) and full advantage of is our First Amendment right to not have our speech be curtailed, so a large amount of the bitching about America, and especially in English, is Americans bitching about America(ns). So there’s a cultural element to it that may or may not exceed the truth.
I’ll bet it has something to do with the ratio of eggs to other ingredients, but as long as it doesn’t slop apart when cut (and I haven’t cheese-grated my fingers again) I consider it a win in my book.
Sure, I’d like that, thank you. I’m always trying to expand my meal options.
What do you like to play?