Just say you care about money more than people. It’s quicker and easier to ignore you than when you sputter out some pseudointellectual nonsense.
Just say you care about money more than people. It’s quicker and easier to ignore you than when you sputter out some pseudointellectual nonsense.
I really feel ya. It’s insane how, short of donating as much as we can, most of us can’t really do anything but watch this shit happen. It’s a fucking mess.
Can we do anything ?
What are socialists planning to do if we discover time travel??
There should be a spot between “everybody can use and claim any idea as their own and make money off of it” and “corporations with virtually limitless resources control all IP and no matter how small or innocuous a use of that IP is, they are the arbiters of copyright, trademarks, etc”. How is this controversial?
There should be a balance. The way things are now, and have been, is simply not balanced.
It always sucks when this sort of thing happens. Sorry man.