Well yeah. I’m not gonna verify how many butts it takes to swarm mount everest, because that’s not worth my time. The robot’s answer is close enough to satisfy my curiosity.
Well yeah. I’m not gonna verify how many butts it takes to swarm mount everest, because that’s not worth my time. The robot’s answer is close enough to satisfy my curiosity.
If you believe women are lesser creatures whose bodies you control, what would change your mind about that?
I actually agree with you. Men did a terrible job of things, and now we have to deal with the patriarchy. Movements like 4B have been a long time coming, but I worry that men as a whole aren’t mature enough to clean up their act. Time will tell.
I appreciate the reminder that beauty is subjective. It’s been a good while since I’ve seen an opinion so inflammatory that had nothing to do with politics.
It wasn’t terribly off topic, no. But the “design similarities” point is pretty weak and not related to the matters at large. To address it though, I fundamentally disagree that ip theft or patent theft or anything else we can boil down to “OC donut steel” is a serious issue. Creativity is iterative, nothing is original, and pretending otherwise is silly. We make a big deal of these things because money is involved, but that doesn’t compel my opinions whatsoever. Stickman drawings have been copied since humans could draw, and we’ve been iterating on them ever since. If someone claims to own the Stickman design, they’re a dumbass. Incidentally, that’s what happened with Nintendo claiming they own the concept of throwing a thing that summons another thing. The whole ordeal is ridiculous and only serves to stifle creative endeavors for monetary security.
I’m sure you’ve already heard these things and chosen to ignore them. That’s your prerogative. I downvoted you because I think you’re wrong and making a bad point. That’s mine. Others feel the same way. People agreeing with the sentiment doesn’t make them a hive mind. It means they’ve made similar observations about the same phenomenon. You’re dehumanizing people by calling them a hive mind because they disagree with you. I’m calling you wrong because I think your opinion is wrong. You are allowed to be wrong, though. Your opinion is still perfectly valid and agreeable to many, many people. They are not a hive mind, but they are likeminded with you. That’s okay. I encourage you to continue to voice your opinions despite opposition because I sincerely think that’s a good thing for you to do. But try to remember that every single one of us (sans any possible bots) is actually a whole human with their own mind and reasons for doing what they do, even if you don’t like them for doing it.
I just want you to know that I saw your comment, said “oh, that’s off topic and an overall bad take”, and then downvoted. That’s when I noticed your score was negative and not positive. I’m not part of a hive mind, friend. You just had/have a bad take imo.
It’s not that long. You’ll be okay.
This is a pretty cool example of media bias distorting facts in order to cause kind of a Shiri’s Scissor scenario in the reader based on where they get their news. Liberal source gives an inaccurate, more interpretive story based on what is already known about the parties involved. I’d wager a more conservative source would just give a direct statement of what RFK said here, which sounds fairly reasonable if you have no bias against the man and his team. Discussing this point becomes incredibly controversial between the groups because we have opposing interpretations of the same event, and it’s difficult to come to any understanding without breaking many things down into smaller parts.
All this is to say I agree, it should have been an opinion piece. It’s dishonest as it is now and would only cause friction, confusion, and raised hackles. We know how troubled teen camps fail kids, and what happens when bad people have power over vulnerable people. The writing is on the wall, but it’s not clear for all of us. Be less inflammatory and more informative, is what I think news should be.
I still have people to love and things to appreciate. I know that civilization is pretty fucked right now, and I can’t say for sure there’s an other side to this tunnel we’re barreling down, but that makes it all the more imperative that I don’t take the good for granted. Despair and happiness are choices.
I’d say their credibility was never a consideration here. A proper discussion was never going to happen.
I don’t like this flavor of dystopia.
Why do you behave like a bot?
I don’t think this one should be as controversial as it is.
Valid take. The military industrial complex is a terrifying ordeal.
Did you choose to overlook my intentional usage of the word “chosen” just to mansplain something obvious? I did not make my choice out of ignorance, but I appreciate you assuming I did.
This is always how I’ve chosen to interpret the expression. It’s not a theory. It’s an observation.
I’m in the US, and I saw the setting. Unsurprisingly.
Man what the fuck
For the curious, I got two responses with different calculations and different answers as a result. So it could take anywhere from 1.5 to 7.5 billion butts to swarm mount everest. Again, I’m not checking the math because I got the answer I wanted.