And overall we may just need to accept some immediate productivity loss in order to ensure long term survival.
I see a massive issue in this plan.
And overall we may just need to accept some immediate productivity loss in order to ensure long term survival.
I see a massive issue in this plan.
Public perception is also a factor. Even seeing collaborated cars like their EV Chevy thing takes away from Honda’s perception of reliability.
If the company is always too busy, they will need to hire more workers or the existing ones will leave.
Thanks for the list. I’ve been using this one:
Try out the band called Scale the Summit
You seem dense on purpose. But just in case I’d like to point out that you’re in the news section.
Games and hardware have been passing the ball back and forth and I think games have the ball right now. It’s only a matter of time until we need more power again so why slow down? Besides, the people who don’t want realism already benefit from it by having cheaper and more efficient parts.
Just add more sugar.
I heard the struggle with recommendations is because it doesn’t track you. One of the suggestions was to use tags to find content based on your interests.
These people need donations or something!
They already have the speed measurement, they just need to multiply that by the sphincter diameter.
While this graph is speed over time, it would be more beneficial to measure particles over time so that you can also approximate the volume of each fart under each curve.
That’s just amazing. I wonder how big this piece is.
If she’s in, I’m in too.
༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つAMENO༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ.
That’s total, not per trip. They can still add up all of your trips if they have the evidence.
That person is wrong here, but I think they were thinking about other scenes. There’s a few of them on youtube if you search Tom and Jerry stereotypes.
Youtube video “If Google Was A Guy”. I commented at the same time as the person above, nice.
We can streamline this by making the room into 2 small tunnels from the router to the PC. This way there will be less obstacles in the room. But we need to add leafblowers on each side with a boost button.