I’m not sure why this would be fake, but the word seems too straight and the paired letters too perfectly uniform to be handwriting, it looks like a font.
This is gonna bother me now.
I’m not sure why this would be fake, but the word seems too straight and the paired letters too perfectly uniform to be handwriting, it looks like a font.
This is gonna bother me now.
How low-tech is still tech?
I want a device that can be armed and if moved without being disarmed (optional passcode) will set off an alarm.
This is both for my laptop when working in public spaces and for my cooler/food bag when camping.
If anybody knows of something similar I’m happy to be pointed as well. Searching “keyboard accessible keyboard” is understandably nonsense.
Yes! I am an assistive technology specialist - helping people with all kinds of disabilities access computers - and I have a laundry list of little challenges I haven’t found the right tool for.
An example to start is needing something kind of like the windows on screen keyboard but that selects letters/keys using arrows and space/enter (a lot like typing using a remote).
The osk has some special feature to not steal focus from where you’re typing, but this could instead let you do all your typing and then when you select done run a sendkeys to type in the text (could have clipboard option but this doesn’t work everywhere). This also makes correcting errors easier. Bonus if it works with text prediction same as the osk :)
Almost 40, comfortably established with no kids, so life is overall pretty easy.
I got into audiobooks on Libby and have gotten through about 400 in the last 4 years. I listen while I’m driving and sometimes while doing chores, but mostly I listen while hiking or paddling - on a weekend backpacking trip I can get through 3-5 books.
My books are almost all what I would call “human adjacent non-fiction” - science and information related to people and the planet, but I don’t find deep science like quantum physics relatable enough to be interesting.
I love to read and learn and wish more people wanted to talk about books, but book people and outdoor people don’t overlap that much.
If sunrise and sunset is your thing then the website suncalc.net works great to find what places will have the best views for different times of year.
I go watch the sunset as part of my solstice and equinox adventures so finding new places with nice views is fun.
I use the AR tool for sun positions every time I’m finding a tent spot or to watch a sunrise/set, and the bubble level is perfect for finding a tent spot that isn’t tilted 2 degrees towards your head so you wake up with a headache.
When google asked if I wanted to try Gemini I gave it a try and the first time I asked it to navigate home, something I use assistant for almost daily, it said it can’t access this feature but we can chat about navigating home instead - fuck that!
Even though I switched back to assistant it’s still getting dumber and losing functionality - yesterday is asked it to add something to my grocery list(in keep) and it put it on the wrong list, told me the list I wanted doesn’t exist, then asked if I wanted to create the list and then told me it can’t create it because it already exists.
I’ve talk to more logical toddlers!
It really depends on what I’m doing to elicit the comment - I’m often doing silly things, getting enthusiastic about stuff, exploring my environment and other things vaguely “childish” and so would consider cute to be a compliment.
Coming with no context it’s neutral, way better than being called sexy but generally my appearance doesnt need comment.
If I’m upset, or being professional, or an authority than being called cute is 100% and insult.
I don’t feel like the government should be matching donations to a private organization…it’s the f-ing government - either just go help people who need help because they’re your people or contract with red cross to do the helping for you with accountability for the job they do.
Matching private money, hoping its enough to help where they obviously see it’s needed, and putting no accountability on the recoever of the money to do anything specific with it is not how to deal with disasters! PR Garbage.
It’s okay to be curious about the world - wanting to understand is not the same thing as wanting to judge or prevent.
I pull my card out to tap, though it’s just habit from pre-tap and I probably wouldn’t need to. I leave NFC off on my phone or it tends to keep detecting my cc and chime.
My EDC is
A pixel phone with a case on it, in the case I tuck my driver’s licence and one credit card. I have a wallet app on the phone for all other cards I might need.
Keychain is a carabiner and short piece of webbing holding 2 house keys, car fob, mini knife and mini flashlight.
The keys clip onto bra strap and go inside my shirt and phone tucks into bra. Definitely not a fella :P
I would be happy for it to switch places with Chartreuse, which feels strongly like a red word and is definitely not a bright yellow-green
When I think of growing up female again, but in the current time, it sounds terrible, but then I think of growing up male inbhe current times and it seems awful too, so I think I have to tick the “neither box” and accept I’m too old for this modern shit in any gender form.
The most recent interesting ones have been The Age of Deer(all about deer in North America from a social perspective), scarcity brain(how our brains seem rigged for gambling and how it affects our lives) and WordSlut(gender politics and how it interacts with language).
I’ve never been much into reading fiction, but would love good human-adjacent(ie not particle physics) nonfic recommendations.
I think people’s looks and personality correspond in a few different ways.
One is that people’s choices for style and personal care reflect their personality, so having fancy clothes indicate a person who cares enough about looks to put in the effort.
People also can choose to associate themselves visually with different groups, and if they identify with that group they likely have similar values, including those around personality.
Even things someone can’t control, such as height, probably affect their personality because it changes the way others interact with them in society.
You got me there, my brain did just jump to high O2
I do the same and even though I’m still in the store I question if it’s worth doubling back for that one forgotten item…
In Canada your landlord is required to pay back your deposit with interest, so if you gave them a $1000 deposit and stayed for 10 years and interest is at 5% they would be giving you back about $1600.
Very few actually do this and most of the time interest is so low nobody bothers to fight for it.