No we haven’t
I would beat the absolute shit out of this bitch if he tried that
That’s not how trespass works. You have to be “noticed” that you are not welcome on the property. Once you are on notice you have trespassed if you haven’t left
You never know 😉
I’m gonna be pedantic for a second, hanged* not “hung”
Yeah no shit
I completely and totally forgot about pedo bear
Not always brother
Some real Curb Your Enthusiasm vibes
lol the girl I thought I was “in love with” wanted to text all day long and that was a bad choice for a 14 year old
Goddamn, every time I get more info on this story it just gets worse. I can’t imagine killing an animal that wasn’t a danger or deserved a merciful death.
lol empty a clip into Mother Nature
Naw, but I do remember $.10 per text message, and my parents about killed me when they saw a $400 phone bill when I was 14
What’s the old saying about: if one woman can make a baby in 9 months, 9 women should be able to make a baby in 1 month