Ubuntu: For shilling all kinds of profrietary garbage by default. If I wanted that I’d be on Windows.
Also the changes they make to GNOME make it worse, they take away what makes it good, the flow.
Ubuntu: For shilling all kinds of profrietary garbage by default. If I wanted that I’d be on Windows.
Also the changes they make to GNOME make it worse, they take away what makes it good, the flow.
OpenSUSE, awfull default software selection on desktop, and pushing users hard to use an “everything configuration tool”.
You are right except: there are no rules in english, and this isn’t an argument, its a joke.
because you have a thing against solutions that are both beter and easier
They only (probably) show us that we are seeing the begining of the file. Also relative line numbing is a thing in vim for example.
someone should make lisp but with html syntax
superpowers are s-tier by definition, if one were b-tier it would have to just be a power
This tied my stomach in a knot, ive never felt that before, im gonna go throw up.
“Conservative Christian” is and oxymoron but having never read any Jesus, its easy to identify that way.
First of all you don’t become a conservative Christian by being willing to read. So lets imagine DeSantis misspoke and said “The only way to ensure that Trump can violate The Constitution and overthrow our democracy is to read the New Testament and understand it”
Here are some probable outcomes:
I’m sure that’s the case, but the meme is not making fun of typescript, its making fun of his dad: JavaScript, maybe for not comparing to his son: typescript
I made this simulation to show how effective attraction to a bug light can be an emergent property of a mosquito’s navigation and confinement, even though they are not attracted to light innately.
See my mastodon post.
Thanks for sending me in this direction, its been fun!
At least here in the free world we have to manually build echo chambers and “The Algorithm” does not build them around us without our consent.
a lot of it could be the no-face aspect, we where that a lot
i hope/believe that the intent is rarely malicious, that its not really a significant thing at all on that side.
lol that is a very good point
I disagree about SO, though I am not a fan of it for other reasons. Interesting thought about acting on convictions. Thanks.
I’m not upset of complaining, I’m observing and philosophizing, this has been an intellectual pursuit, thanks for the reply
That is the trap, isnt it. Votes are an awful metric for approval, and approval inst always needed.
This is the best thing ive seen this week!