Not in the slightest. Trump is a prime example of what happened to the brains of kids who ate lead paint chips.
Not in the slightest. Trump is a prime example of what happened to the brains of kids who ate lead paint chips.
It’s long past time to get the generation of lead-induced dementia patients out of office. Slow Biden, Glitch McConnell, and all of their geriatric ilk need to go.
I can guarantee no partisan will be named or charged.
It means letting your dreams die a miserable death in service to whatever the fuck it is that this society values. Wage-slavery and and celebrity worship, I suppose.
1% of the United States owns 40% of the economy. 10% owns 70% of the economy. 25% of families have less than $10,000 in wealth.
Millennials weren’t the first to get screwed, but they were screwed from birth.
If you don’t feel the same “compassion” for every applicant, it’s nepotism. On another note, nobody can abuse you like your family.
Methinks the corporation doth protest too much.
Lead poisoning causes permanent irreversible brain damage that manifests in the form of learning disability and behavioral disorders.