Preaching the end of the world - Chris Cornell
Edit: probably should explain that i was listening to this song when i read your comment and the one up from yours
Preaching the end of the world - Chris Cornell
Edit: probably should explain that i was listening to this song when i read your comment and the one up from yours
What are the other half from?
I dont’t think I’ve ever played an eidos game that actually worked and ran out of the box. Such a bad experience.
FF7 was hot garbage
I dont have an answer for you sorry, but i might be able to point you somewhere you might find inspiration to find your own answer
If there is a lemmy equivalent of the subreddits maliciouscompliance, pettyrevenge, prorevenge, or nuclearrevenge or you are willing to go look at the originals, theres a lot of stories that are entertaining and will be a mine of ideas
Health food shelter clothing.
All of these things should be provided to everyone in every country, paid for by taxes.
Just eliminate the struggle of the common person from these 4 things is a goal worth being a prime prime directive
I met this guy that WALKED across Canada for this same cause.
Hes a great singer too!
Top 5 worst offenders?
What are you trying to achieve. What is your goal here. What is it you are attempting to accomplish?
I literally did the math for you. Three hundred twenty thousand people is less than zero point zero zero four percent of eight billion two hundred million people also known as one hundred percent of people who drank dihydrogen monoxide
I never claimed water cant kill people, i pointed out a flawed claim and then gave the correct information they should have used
What were you hoping to achieve? 320,000 is not 8,200,000,000 which would be 100%
320000 is 0.0039024390243902% of 8200000000.
It doesnt kill 100% of people who consume it, 100% of people who consume it die
Learn the difference for future reference
To your point, removed hard r was a common phrase as well unfortunately is becoming more common again in the us.
Just because it’s common doesn’t mean it should not be laid ro rest
You have violated the terms you agreed to
Clean any shiny metal decorative things that get very hot before. Such as stoves and and fireplaces if you want to avoid burning in such things
Im only respond to your words: that only wealthy elites care about. Pedant warning. By responding you are agreeing to a very narrow discussion. Thank you for engaging this point of contention if you choose to do so.
This is inaccurate. my proof is that I know people who are unhappy with the mob mentality around murder being okay. People who dont even make as much as i do, and while i consider myself poor, i recognize im above my areas minimum wage. Additonally I am not a wealthy elite and care about this to the degree that it could be a problem for us non elites if things go badly
I personally midly concerned about what problems this might be showing us. Im not in a position to address or research them and dont claim that what i can see might happen is going to happen. Im opposed to people basing significant hardline stances on unproven and or untested assumptions and predictions. But I do see, without much difficulty or effort, how mobs and pitchforks are rarely proven to be acting on good faith rationality.
So all im asking here is for you to contemplate why you were comfortable making such an easily arguable word choice and if you could be more precise in the future when you really are passionate about an argument you are making.
Hoy Fong Sriracha story is a hell of a ride, highly recommend checking out the wiki
Stoned Wheat Thins.
Cant fucking believe they stopped making the best cracker in the world
Now I’ll pull out all your pubic haaaaaaiiiiiiiiiir🎶
Holy shit other people mentioning a MUD. Not something i expected to hear today