No. I know people who are genuinely nice, and I don’t compare to that. I am, for the most part, trying to be a very relaxed person though, and my benign apathy has sometimes been described as “nice”.
Linksgrün-versifft, vegan und nerdy in Berlin. Fan von Vogelbildern.
No. I know people who are genuinely nice, and I don’t compare to that. I am, for the most part, trying to be a very relaxed person though, and my benign apathy has sometimes been described as “nice”.
Tbh I kinda like flat design if done tastefully and within a confined scope, but that Alegria/Globo Homo bullshit from evil corporations and the weird full plastic boxes of nothing can rightly go to the dump.
I will hate the decade though for its prevalence of the bland beige and off-white interior design.
That is actually what brought me back to Linux, I used to run Ubuntu and then Mint around 2010 but had to switch to Windows for work (and stuck around because it works well enough) but the taskbar being stuck on the bottom bothered me enough to finally make the switch back.
What did you call me?
That is the unironic basis of my “enlightened centrists” friends beliefs. He doesn’t want the poor people he sees on TV and at the bus stop to benefit from his money. Nevermind that he received a free education and has all the benefits of living in a first world country. Only if he himselfs would benefit from a measure (e.g. fixing the streets in front of his house) would he be in favour of spending tax money.
Knowing about and having met multiple such “senior Devs” has made me feel so much better about my work and my own set of skills, not gonna lie.
What’s the argument here? That because you drive twice as far, it is expected you run over twice as many people?
How does one become friends with a house sparrow? Apart from the feeder :)
They let their cat walk across the keyboard and that’s just the letters that came out!
The Gentlemen Bastards series could work well: Not too much CGI needed, and fancy rennaisance italy aesthetics deserve a fantasy show about thieving orphans!
As someone who went through pretty much the same thing (she broke up with me and was confused why I was sad about it and wanted us to stay friends at first), he is not your friend. Assuming this breakup was not consensual, this is not something a friend does to someone, and you should not take any heed to his “feelings as a friend”. It sounds harsh, but with breaking up with you he not only ended the relationship but also the friendship.
In my own experience, I was only able to move on from my last long term relationship after I accepted that we were not friends, she did not value and respect me and any progress I could make as a person are when cutting her out of my life completely. It took me a few months to get there, and I am better than ever a few more months after that. Before that point, I was constantly in pain and barely functioning, but after the decision to view my ex-partner as culpable for what transpired, I was able to heal and move on.
Not really. The research papers mention an interaction between an antibody and a gene that controls tooth growth in both humans and mice. If that gene is supressed, there is no tooth growth.
However, every tooth you can ever grow, or at least the embryonal tissue for it, is already present at birth. There is no way to get more, and activating this gene would not give you additional tissue to develop into new teeth.
What? Windows kills other partitions during update?
But ist that not part of it? Being put in situations where you don’t have all the information, where you don’t know the potential outcomes and where you can permanently fuck things up? For me at least, that was a big part of the pull in playing TRPGs and CRPGs. It is, after all, not a strategy game.
A vegan (or low-meat diet, for that matter) does not equate to substituting meat to processed meat alternatives. Other recipes that do without any fake meat exist.
As someone who never used an immutable distro: what are the quirks when using it?