*rationally angry
Behold the man who is a bean.
*rationally angry
You’re a bit too late for trying to complain about that one.
The latter has been the dominant American pronunciation of the word for so long that it now appears as the primary pronunciation guide in American dictionaries.
I’ve never felt I’m not living for today. Admittedly, most of what I want to do is consume a variety of media within the comfort of my home. But we also travel abroad every other year or so, and that’s probably the biggest ‘entertainment’ expense in our lives. If we need a car to visit someone or somewhere outside the range of public transit or biking, we just rent one for the weekend (probably happens about once a year). We don’t have to hesitate before choosing to do that because we know we’re living well within our means the rest of the time.
The thing is, once you’re in the habit of doing this stuff, it doesn’t feel like an imposition. It’s just the way your life works. It was actually a bit of a struggle to remember all of those points when I was writing up that list yesterday, because it’s all just natural to me now. There are probably a few more things we do along these lines that haven’t occurred to me.
And at that point, the savings are just a natural choice for what to do with all the surplus money. It’s not even ‘living for tomorrow.’ It ceases to be an either/or situation. It’s living for today in such a way that you can continue to live for today throughout your entire life.
Also, there are a huge number of non-financial benefits on offer here, too: walking and biking at times you’d otherwise be driving is excellent for your health; planning meals allows you to choose healthier options, cut down on red meat consumption, etc; meal planning, buying second-hand goods, and not driving reduces dependency on online mega-retailers, international sweatshop labor, and environmentally harmful practices; making use of the library system indirectly supports its continued existence for folks who have no other options; and on and on.
Anyway, I wouldn’t recommend trying to do all of this at once if it’s all a change for you. I’d recommend slowly introducing each of these practices over time so you have time to get used to each in isolation.
Now, if I had to choose the best financial move out of that list? Probably the index funds. Though not having to pay for a car (or car insurance, or car registration, or car repair and maintenance, or parking, or fuel) is a close second.
Wild! I’ve got about 40 TB myself, and have never come across someone with more… let alone four times more.
Hamster > Guinea Pig > Capybara
The word you’re looking for there is ‘isometric.’
No, they’re correct. The misuse is in panel 5.
I mean, the show has him fully nude multiple times.
The man is all rectangle, no rec-dangle.
But that’s okay. He can reproduce by budding.
Teeth would probably be fine because they’re incredibly durable to that kind of wear, but you’d omega-fuck your gums brushing like that.
Got almost the opposite experience here. Liked frog legs almost as much as chicken, but found both alligator meat and alligator jerky offputtingly fishy.
Why’d ya spill yer beans?!
Gearbox bought the franchise from its original devs about a year ago, and this is one of their attempts to capitalize on that purchase.
Yeah if Shape of Water is the worst movie they’ve seen, I gotta assume they’ve seen about 10 movies total.
Even if it’s slightly overrated, in the grand scheme of all movies that one is way above average.
Dunno if this is exactly the kind of thing you have in mind, but a person known as ‘Yuvi’ has been singlehandedly maintaining publicly available servers for the original Demon’s Souls for about 4 years (the official servers shut down about 5 years ago).
Thanks to Yuvi, you can still play the original game with all online functionality, regardless of whether you’re playing on PS3 or RPCS3.
My wife likes Rick and Morty more than I do, and I think it’s a great show.
All the From Software RPGs since Demon’s Souls work like that too. (Not the lack of menu, but the lack of an interactive save system because it’s just constantly autosaving).
It’s incredibly convenient to always be able to quit the game at any time and know you’ll be in the exact place and position you were when you start up again. And it has the added benefit of preventing players from save scumming.
I want an AI based translation of all the Dead Sea Scrolls as long as we can remove the bias from the training data.
Emphasis mine. So then you don’t want an AI based translation of all the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Best Android app for emulating DS in my experience is DraStic.
We have best wiki in the world, because of gulag.