Reaction videos are equivalent to the black stuff under your fingernails
Enjoy your hot pockets, fuckers.
Beautiful. Truly poetic.
I wonder why she gets so many likes ( Y )
Helldivers 2.
Its always fun. It’s always big boom. It’s always democracy.
Removed by mod
Ugly. Why do you need to build that out of building blocks?
This is the way.
Helldivers 2
God damn it! How I hate stupid people who put ‘before-and-after’-pics in the wrong order!
Fuck OP!
Praise Trex202!
That is probably the best website on the internet!
That dude looks like Moneyboy lmao
Schrödingers car. It’s at the same time the best and worst car you ever owned
solar FREAKING roadways!
Teach me, master! HOW?! I NEED to know!
*limp penis
Wouldn’t have thought I’d comment that today.