Is this the first time you’ve ever been exposed to humor?
Is this the first time you’ve ever been exposed to humor?
I hate it when my job gets loose.
Wouldn’t that mean it’s a popular opinion and the downvote was warranted?
You’re not going to convert a Trump voter because you tried to force a dark Brandon meme
They’ve already shown that nothing up to and including Trump literally murdering their family members would convert them. Of course a meme isn’t going to, it’s not about that. It’s about taking something they think they’re being clever about and turning it back on them in an actual clever way. If the Dark Brandon memes were started in a void, I might agree with you that they were dumb, but as a reply to the LGB meme, I think they’re excellent.
There’s nothing funny or clever about it
I mean, humor is subjective, but I gotta say you’re most likely in the minority of people with average or above average intelligence (aka non-Trump voters) with that opinion. To be honest, I checked your post history to see if you were one of them because you are giving off that iq-is-slightly-lower-than-room-temp vibe here.
Because what it’s in response to is so high class?
They took the let’s go Brandon meme, added some actual humor and cleverness, and rolled with it. Sure, I would love to live in a world where you didn’t have to lower yourself to play someone else’s game, but when you’ve got millions of people who think they’re being clever by saying “Let’s go Brandon” instead of “Fuck Joe Biden”, I think Dark Brandon is the perfect response.
So you can’t give an example. Gotcha. Run along now, dumbfuck.
I mean, feel free to tell me exactly what I’ve said that you think is stupid. I’ve already done you, now it’s your turn.
I asked a question about THE SERVICE and this dumbass responded talking about something completely different. That’s not an accurate picture of the topic at hand, that’s changing the topic and then grabbing a soapbox and preaching things that I already know and wasn’t trying to discuss in the first place. There’s no intelligence being delivered here, which is pretty unfortunate for you because if you’re on his side you could surely use some.
I’m not angry at your valid reason to dislike them, I’m annoyed at you being too stupid to discuss the actual topic that I was asking about.
It must be hard going through life being an absolute moron.
I guess my 23 years of reliable service was just a fluke or something.
Hey assclown, I was asking about their service. I even said I would love to switch to another company for a multitude of reasons, but they are the only provider in my area that provides reliable service. They are literally the only company that has a tower close enough to my work to penetrate the walls and work inside so almost everyone there is forced to have them if they want them or not.
Chill with your condescending holier than thou attitude about what I do and don’t know. I was referring directly to the service, which, all other issues aside, has been absolutely great for me across the period of 23 years and half a dozen different cities of varying sizes.
I’m not affected by this outage where I’m at,
This didn’t appear to be location based. I’m on a family vacation with 7 total people on AT&T and 3 of us were affected and 4 were fine. Didn’t have anything to do with the model of phone, the plan you were on, or your location/tower you were connected to. Seemed to just straight up be random. Also a reboot fixed one phone, but not the other 2.
Is AT&T known for having shitty service nationwide or something or is this just a “big company bad durhur” meme? Where I live, they’re easily the best of the big carriers. I’d love to switch to someone else, but they have the best coverage by far and I honestly can’t remember the last time I had a service outage. I despise them as a company, but I can’t complain a bit about their service and I’ve had an account with them since 2001.
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Run along now you moron racist. Nobody wants to be polluted by your idiocy.
Fuckin’ exactly. It’s like they have an iq test to join hexbear and if one of them scores higher than 75 or accidentally says something funny or clever they automatically get rejected.
I’d take the toxic positivity of beehaw over the toxic stupidity of hexbear 1000 times out of 1000. Your server is the real cancer of the fediverse.
And see, if there was such a thing as an aftermarket device that allowed me to use my phone as the car key, I’d install one in a heartbeat. Seems like the perfect solution to me. I carry my phone with me at all times anyway, why do I need a separate key? As long as it just uses the NFC chip to unlock the doors, it should allow my phone to emulate the fob and no app should be necessary unless you just want to do something fancy like remote start the car or pop the trunk from across the parking lot. Just give me something simple that allows me to change out my useless fob for my phone and I’d gladly pay upwards of $1000 for that convenience.
That’s definitely not true. Just yesterday I was eating a salad (with chicken and bacon and cheese even) and I had an older coworker pass by and grumpily tell me he didn’t eat rabbit food.