For more context. He was fueding with someone who was enthusiastic about DnD
For more context. He was fueding with someone who was enthusiastic about DnD
Ape Escape. I would love one with the scope of areas similar to Super Mario Odyssey
A short 2D Collectathon in the style of 5th Generation games of the genre. Jump into a 2D world and explore, solve puzzles and overcome challenges to collect gears to take you higher. A beautiful art style and soundtrack make me wonder why this wasn’t talked about more when it came out earlier this year
MMOs surprisingly have a strong controller play base mainly thanks to FFXIV. Considering it’s WoW’s strongest competitor, a controller layout is a solid idea
We live in a time where people are extremely desperate to make out Taco Bell as awful and McDonalds as good. You don’t need to justify eating bad food. Sometimes you just need to eat a shitty taco or salt with a side of potato. Sometimes you just need an avenue for grease. No one needs to be a health influencer 100% of the time
When I am immune to the thoughts of questioning my finances
We found it
If Spider-Man was invented today he’d be considered a self insert. Jaded nerd gets super powers and constantly inner monologues he could beat up his bully
Ignoring the success and failure of agile and waterfall. Waterfall was just a way more enjoyable development experience for me. That would probably change if the cycle was lower though. Also doesn’t help that many managers I’ve had don’t follow the rules of agile/SCRUM. Seems like people use it as an excuse to be able to change things on any given day but those cycles are supposed to be planned, not the plans.
Not necessarily. Also depends on competency of whoever is looking at using your software/investigating and the legacy of the things you described. A whole different scenario if it’s because you forgot to write something in a ticket and someone coming to call for help with docker when you have a docker setup guide they never look at.
1.5 kind of makes sense. It holds Kingdom Hearts 1 and a remake of the GBA game that comes before Kingdom Hearts 2 (also comes with a the cutscenes of another game between 1 and 2). I guess they wanted to keep the naming similar because 2.5 comes with Kingdom Hearts 2 and…a prequel to every game… and a cutscene collection of some weird side game about an AI. They then released a bundle of both of these on PS4 which they named 1.5+2.5. 2.8 they were really scrambling. Because they wanted to release the rest of the games in some way before Kingdom Hearts 3 so that holds a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2, A standalone demo for 3 and…a movie from the earliest part of the series that actually is a giant pit of questions with no answers which may or may not have been answered by the gacha. No idea.
Pursuing a voice to match that of “Her” is a very weird move considering the story it tries to convey
Ironically EU shorthand for Europe and European Union
People tried to block the Activision acquisition. Some were mocked for their attempt and some were mocked for their stance. It wasn’t enforced because for all the attempts, it couldn’t be proved which is more an indicator better definitions needed to be in place
This is such a fanboy opinion. Sony killed basically their entire Japanese Development, had 13 GaaS in development at the same time and actively are holding back the standard of Cross Save. They give plenty of reasons to not be the ‘gamer’ console. Especially now when they are also beginning to drop games on gamepass.
Ironically we still know of more single player games coming to Xbox then games coming to Sony outside of Spider-Man Leaks.
Fallout is currently the hottest game on the market thanks to the Show on top of this.
This really fucking sucks but damn stop trying to use this as a way to promote your team
“can still be better but priority changed”
The problem is you can also make the villain a manchild whos sick of people not agreeing with him and the internet will call him based
I think it depends on the context. Calling me a full stack is an acknowledgement that I can work on every step of the system and usually every part of the system. I don’t consider it to mean equally good.
However if it keeps getting brought up when I am not supposed to be working on those other steps, that signals to me that maybe they are trying to push more work into me that I shouldn’t be do.
I can appreciate that when someone says “Our X Expert”. It definitely feels like more praise and more value.
To be fair there was a large amount of time (2010s at least) where vegans weren’t even trying to be appealling. It was either. Stereotypical vegan dishes but even more limited or extremely bad vegetarian meat. Vegetarian meat has improved a lot and more importantly vegan food is represented as less one note.
Don’t think I’m strong enough to give up dairy but respect to those who can do so without being elitist
Ironically I’ve found it’s harder for people to run away in remote, people don’t disappear from their desks and you don’t have to chase them down. If they don’t message back and it’s urgent, you call and if they don’t pick up a call and haven’t marked themselves as such something’s up. People are extremely dilligent about making sure they use status’ due to the knowledge that people will assume that way.