It’s freeing for me in that, “No matter what, we’re at the guaranteed fuck stage. My brain is now freeing up the energy that goes to unproductive worry, and it can now be spared for productive minimization of damage”, which I thought was clear with me saying “Still gonna be for eco measures and such”
Huh. That’s oddly freeing
“Oh we’re all fucked guaranteed. The stress is gone”
I mean, still gonna be for eco measures and such, but it’s like a weight is off my shoulders in terms of worry
I prettt much have to rely on Fedia and some Torontonian friends to know how the public actually feels about Pierre
You have not experienced an echo chamber til you’ve lived in Alberta, cripes it often feels like Pierre has a 99.9% chance of winning if you listen to people here
I love the one comment on the article calling $82 normal
About $9 a kilo,$4 a pound, yes that’s about right. Lately chicken has been $11 a kilo.
Even if it does, the GoP are using tactics known as cheating, rigging, and intimidation. And if that doesn’t work, a coup
“Counter question: What stops a creep from doing that even if there was an anti trans law?”
Still kind of surprised there hasn’t been a poisoning attempt on him yet because of how much his ego thrives on being buttered up
Well, he is pretty old. Hammered in guilt and fervour for Israel due to being born during and growing up shortly after WWII?
Part of why I get pissed by people saying they aren’t voting/are voting third party this election. It NEEDS to be overwhelmingly Harris so the Supreme Court gets scared about giving it to the GoP. If Harris loses, there is no future election, and people who were all, “Harris is just as evil I’m not voting/voting 3rd party” will be among the people rounded up and thrown into concentration camps. Morals don’t matter shit when you get forced to work to death
It’s either make sure it’s overwhelming, or stop aiming to off Trump and instead take out the republicans on the SC - At least 4 of them. And I doubt the latter will happen, so it NEEDS to be an overwhelming Dem victory
Vance and the entire GoP losing all power is part of the Hitler% speedrun
God, if Trump somehow gets in, I hope he speedruns Hitler%. Gun in mouth, Fourth Reich collapses, first day
Oh boy, I can tell you’re not here for a good faith argument. Puberty blockers are explicitly TO delay puberty until they can be sure. Nothing wrong with them
“But why can they consent to-”
Nah ah, already stated the difference
I am looking to that. Been exposed to a LOT of second hand smoke growing up, and I have various medical problems that increase my risk for cancer, and also the wildfires I’ve had to work in…
People, smoking doesn’t just affect you, and also who the fuck leaves all the doors and windows in a house open during thick wildfire smoke and then demands the person having an anxiety attack to help with heavy lifting outside like come the fuck on
Nah, fabric. And more grocery stores but smaller and locally owned so people don’t need to do a bunch of shopping at once. And proper pay and worker protections and price controls so people can afford to have time to shop
Yeah, I got which world war mixed up. Been a while since I looked into it
Whoops, got which world war wrong. It was world war one (I know, ew, National Post) (holy shit CBC update this part of your site. This one is more to back it up in that even with pride behind it, it kind of has an underlying tone of… Holding back)
It’s hard to find direct proper sources since it seems we’ve buried that part of our history some and Google sucks ass these days, but I’ll edit in more as I find them
EDIT: (university site)
Canada in WWII basically invented a bunch of entirely new warcrimes
There’s a reason Nazi Germany was terrified of Canadians and convinced they were demons sent from hell itself
EDIT: Got which world war wrong. Nazi Germany feared Canada because of what Canada did in WWI
I swear it’s got to be to drag the middle east into a massive war to maybe trigger some sort of clause that forces the US to go to war for Israel or end up with massive penalties. It’s the only thing that makes sense that isn’t just, “For the Evilulz”
And I swear to fuck if the US was actually stupid enough to enter a deal that forces them to go to war and send troops if the entire Middle East turns on Israel…
Yeah pretty much. Trump probably means it, but he’s like a toddler, he’ll get bored. Those amplifying his message or feeding him ideas are definitely trying to distract