More like a dog klaxon.
More like a dog klaxon.
The perspective I subscribe to is that access and abundance has outpaced the average persons ability to choose. By which I mean, their talent at choosing. An overall inability to make quality decisions. I would say the issue really grew some teeth in maybe the 50’s and has been accelerating more or less exponentially. The art of exploiting this inability to choose first starts getting real traction in the evolution advertising. Getting people to buy cans of beans and cigarettes was the larval form of a much more sinister science of mass manipulation. The internet definitely threw gasoline on the fire. And now no one knows what is quality, or true, or nutritious, or sustainable, or important. The average person is completely overwhelmed and operating on a low-level fight-or-flight type reasoning. Unfortunately I don’t think there is a short term solution. People need to start learning at a very young age explicitly how to not be a mark. Which is antithetical to the wealthy and politically connected people whose bread and butter is hoards of unscrupulous consumers of products and rhetoric.
Conveniently enough, this quote is actually taken from an endnote.
Obama, of course.
I would have recommended “Cap’N Crushing Depression”
Or possibly “Cap’n Budget Crunch” with the speech bubble saying “This is my dinner.”
He himself is a walking talking terrible consequence.
Defining yourself in opposition to something is still being anaclitic on that thing, isn’t it? I certainly think so. And men who believe they hate what they really fear they need are of limited interest, I find.
Infinite Jest
“An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.”
― Nicholas Butler
Well, even if defense spending were slashed, the current oligarchy is gutting health, education, environment, and occupational programs, so those “savings” won’t be reallocated to anything actually beneficial to society. We’ll be lucky if that money even stays in the country. We’re basically witnessing an estate sale for a deceased America.
Good idea, lock official communications behid a completely extraneous log-in. Seems reason based and not self serving for any individual parties.
Mine definitely does. Micro SD.
In theory the boox only has wifi. Presumably you could never connect it to anything, even by usb, if you loaded your books onto an sd card.
I recently got a Boox Go 6. It’s just a really simple android tablet with a paper type display. So whatever android reading app you use you could probably run it. Strictly in terms of privacy I’m not sure if it’s uniquely well suited. But I would expect it’s better than Kindle or Kobo.
The computer may not be shitty, but the government that consistently keeps computers teetering off the edges of desks, perched precariously over buckets of water sure is. These types of “unprecedented” individual events are actually part of a blaring collection of events, which when viewed together comprise a blinking neon trend. To be fair though, the cause of this trend has only very recently been identified in 1896, so politicians haven’t had adequate time to prepare.
We can just go ahead and put “society” at the bottom.
I didn’t know they existed, haha.
As it is he is now required as a felon in NY to submit a DNA sample, which I am very doubtful he will do. Aint no way they’re going to he able to get him to even give up spit. So yeah, no way he would have given up actual money.
As a side note, if somehow he does submit a sample, imagine the chaos if the database got a hit on an open case. Absolute fantasy fodder, I know, but man would that be sweet.
Who indeed? Who among the chronically comic book, lone wolf, hero culture obsessed United States could be inspired to action against a singular existential threat? In the interest of nonviolence I hope we never find out. It would surely be a tragedy if someone among the downtrodden stepped up and made their voice heard on a global scale by doing something desperate.