Mary Crosby!
Mary Crosby!
I know several (small) companies that give you 8 hours PTO on your birthday. You can use it immediately or save it for later.
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Think of other topics and questions than work, Americans care too much about work outside of work.
Switch your phone apps to celsius and start your brain switching ASAP.
Knowing what country or region you’re going to would help
When I last visited Argentina Uber was using the official exchange rates which were just fantasy numbers. As soon as you match with a driver they’d message you and you’d negotiate the cash price. Then the ride in the app would be cancelled.
Uber didn’t mind because they were still getting the ~$1 or so cancel fee for basically being a messaging app.
In my junior high they had a mysterious urinal pooper. They spent months trying to catch the culprit. They even resorted to a $25 reward and a little campaign in the morning announcements. Then it turned out to be a handicap student who couldn’t bend his knees. The posters and campaign quietly disappeared without a word.
Boeing™ is committed to innovative solutions to problems like opening a cabin door mid flight
I have a friend who can smell cockroaches no joke. We always take her restaurant suggestions very seriously.
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The Portuguese word for turkey 🦃 is Peru
Saving up paper route money and begging my dad to drive me to CompUSA so I could buy blank CDs.
Don’t let them off that easy. They are not victims of some KGB style program or espionage trickery. They did this to themselves. They chose this knowing full well what they were doing.
They are willing allies of Russia.
A story from back when I worked in HR. Finance handed HR a list of teams to reduce. HR saw who had lowest performance metrics or was most recently hired and earmrked them to be fired. Then HR emailed the managers and said, ‘we want you to follow around Angela and Brian today, the first mistake they make, write it up and terminate them’. The company had laid off too many people and several states it operated in warned the company they would seek payment if too many more ex-employees filed for unemployment insurance.
Most employees skewed right politically and wouldn’t dream of fighting the company for their rightfully due unemployment benefits since they legitimately thought it was their fault, and many thought UI was socialism anyway.
After witnessing this I immediately began switching careers.
Remember folks, HR is not your friend, HR exists to protect the company from employee related lawsuits.
“Affirmative action” is literally just recording metrics. It’s wild to me how many Americans think it’s a quota or DEI hiring program or something.
Basically if a company receives over x dollars per year in federal contract money (there are different thresholds for veterans, disability, and race) they have to keep some voluntary data (applicants, interviewees, offers given, accepted, promotions) on file for 5 years. If your business doesn’t take enough federal money you do nothing. This data is not reported to any government agency or anything, it sits in a dusty binder in HR. If nobody ever files a discrimination lawsuit, it just gets shredded.
If somebody does sue claiming discrimination the dusty binder is retrieved so the judge can look at it. The plaintiff still has to prove their discrimination case in court, and the AA data could just as easily exonerate the company in court too. This benefits veterans, people with disabilities, as well as racial minorites.
This is honestly a pretty weak program, people being discriminated against usually can’t afford to sue a company, which is why some states took it a bit further. The extreme hate right wingers have for these few data points is also interesting to me. They have done a good job marketing their talking points to the left too.
Source: former corporate AA/EEOC compliance specialist, apparently you all hate that this job exists.