I view the gaming distros as being about out of box. I don’t see anything improving performance outside of how the kernel compiles but I doubt any do anything special.
I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.
I view the gaming distros as being about out of box. I don’t see anything improving performance outside of how the kernel compiles but I doubt any do anything special.
Remember if your in one of these states that sterilization is your best defense.
Molech’s still in the biz? Man its been awhile since I sacrificed ala molech.
doctors further said that once the results where back on the charts it showed a beneficial effect.
Never had a paid lunch
yeah. funny thing is there is like gridcoin which is perfectly fine because it uses the energy for useful work but they don’t like it because it does not have the pyramid scheme artifical value increase. Its value by and large stays in line with energy prices (although if you look historically there is this hilarious spike when idiots were grabbing at everything crypto. it pretty much shows the point in time where cypto became a buzzword thing)
I have no idea how you seem to be drawing that conclusion from my conversation so far so I can’t answer your question. Our you saying im defending it by him dealing with the reality of it???
well im not sure I consider myself and edge case but I get your point.
this has actually benn really interesting for me and im now evaluating how I think of both depression and anxiety.
worst witchhunt in history which is saying something since the last 100 worst witchhunts in history have taken place in the last 8 years /s
yeah. I guess is are they not having it because of anxiety about the future or the fact its a reality now and the future effects are just reality. Is facing reality anxiety?
Im starting to get it. the phrase just to me sounds like its more about a possibility but the replies make me get it. I definitely get anxiety from current circumstances although I guess both my wife and I were discussing that with our depression. Its not like it can be cured because it comes from our current circumstances and often you think about like diagnosis and medication and its like how is that going to help when there are external factors. We think of it as more anxiety/depression for no reason or for reasons that should not cause them.
Its a bit like the law that is on the books but not enforced. Until it is and the problem with using another credit card is now you are taking out of your regular savings when you specifically have saved for medical issues from a pool that is not being used for that. Its not great.
Its happening now though. Its like being anxious about walking down a dark alley because you might get the shit beat out of you as opposed to being anxious about the medical bills you will have while your getting the shit beat out of you.
Our hospital used to reduce it by 20% if you paid it within a certain amount of time. I was trying my damndest to meet the deadline and certainly had them at the top of my bill paying pile. They got rid of it so they get date order now like all the rest.
I mostly do that but I have to tell you its a fight every time as even the reasonable places expect the bill to be paid like a week after they bill you. So they take 3 weeks to do the claim and bill you and they don’t recognize the insurance company will take 3 weeks to process the claim formally and they certainly don’t want to give you the curtesy of taking 3 weeks to compare the bill to the eob and send out the payment. Again this is the reasonable ones as many places insist on a credit card being put on file and maybe they have an agreement but I have literally been ghosted by providers if I refuse to put one down. So they technically are not requiring it but they are. Oh and to boot they mention if they charge you wrong it is fine because they will just refund you. Which means if you use an hsa debit card and they charge it and then refund you well they just basically acted as your money laundering agent for tax evasion. The US is wack.
Its pretty hard to get off with as low as a few k from the ER. Just going there would likely hit the deductible.
and regulate it. One thing that annoys me of the current state of weed, booze, gambling, strip joints, etc is the advertising. I wish they had restricted advertising for the establishments to the establishments and regulated the words and signs of signage. I don’t want to put people in prison for the stuff but I don’t want my environment to look like vegas. Its like the politicians don’t realize regulation and sensible regulation (not about punishing folks but about reigning in the businesses) are part of legalization.
so the problem is not enough taxation and a lack of social safety nets. got it.
50% would be fine but it should apply to all income including investments, gifts, etc. maybe let inheritance be amoritized over 10 years or something.