“we chose the name because of…”
Nah they just wanted an excuse to not use UWU, since this was originally Universal Wine Launcher iirc
“we chose the name because of…”
Nah they just wanted an excuse to not use UWU, since this was originally Universal Wine Launcher iirc
Original wipeout? Phantom HD Edition.
Wipeout Omega Collection for PS4 includes HD+Fury+2049 (all of the content from PS3 and Vita), and a lot of the PSP content had made its way into HD+Fury iirc.
For everything else, your options are emulator or tracks/ships ported over to BallisticNG. IMO you can just play BallisticNG as is though, it’s an amazing game.
Either that, or they use specific tools that they can’t or won’t replace and which don’t work on Linux. Usually it’s creative or engineering software. There are usually good, Linux compatible, open source alternatives, but they’re not the same as industry standard tools that they need to know how to use and be 100% compatible with. Windows or MacOS is your only safe bet there.
If you’re a mere hobbyist and interested in learning new tools it’s an entirely different answer. You can try out the windows versions of the alternative software first, then try switching to Linux down the line when see the greener grass.
A vibrating buttplug. It also self replicates at the press of a button.
Dangan (弾丸) literally just means bullet, and Danganronpa doesn’t use the kanji in its logo. The stripe with the English/romaji subtitle is the same color as the big text in the Danganronpa logo but it’s inverted here.
It’s fine.
Who hurt you?
Why are you here
Gaben is also an FF XIV player, and Proton always gets a hotfix like a day after anything breaks (usually it’s the launcher).
If bans from playing on Linux (or at least the deck) were common there’d be a lot more info about it like there is for other games. Just don’t cheat or use sketchy mods. I’ve only played on Linux (all AMD tbf, both desktop and steam deck, so the drivers are good) and have never had a problem.
Stop caring about native. It seriously just doesn’t matter anymore.
XIV Launcher is the easiest way to get FF XIV running, plus it can link to your phone to almost automatically handle OTP (no typing it in, your phone just sends the code over your local network), but you could also just install the trial inside Steam, should work fine.
Copypasta time. “Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today!”
Winbtrfs has some really funky bugs (some apps like Aseprite will somehow make files which get padded up to a round KiB size on disk which breaks some file formats, even though it doesn’t do that on NTFS or FAT), is way slower on Windows (longer loading times, streaming asset delay, delayed audio on some situations like RPG dialogue, Skyrim mods are especially problematic, blah blah blah), the extra permissions make managing it annoying, and symlimks generally just don’t work on both Linux and Windows at the same time no matter the FS which can occasionally be annoying. I really wouldn’t bother with winbtrfs for games unfortunately
I think the term “birth certificate” needs to be renamed
I watched the new spiderverse. I liked the Dolby Atmos/HDR demo as I hadn’t seen them before, but they’ll need to shorten them a little bit going forward
I’m not going to spend time to design websites for churches and other religious groups even for compensation. Artistic or engineering services are not beholden to anti discrimination doctrine the same way that hiring, retail, and public services are because the job requires you to make things to order, and if I fundamentally disagree with the order then I can just refuse the job.
It goes both ways. If these people can refuse doing paid design work for gay weddings, I can refuse doing paid design work for Christian weddings or arranged marriages. If I was forced to do so I’d sooner quit. That’s the point I think you’re not getting. If someone has the right to quit doing the work they do for any reason, they also have a right to refuse to work for anyone, and that fundamentally includes contracting work, not just direct employment.
TL;DR: if I can refuse a job offer for any reason, or quit my job for any reason, then I can refuse to do a freelance contract for any reason.
Wasn’t it already legal to refuse to make cakes for gay couples citing religious beliefs? The precedent was already set, how does this ruling change anything?
Tfw compatibility for some old Windows programs and games is better in Wine than in modern Windows
Why not just do this actually legit with PS1 and Saturn games