Animals fight all-out. Humans usually don’t. If you were in a real fight for you life with a house cat–or even a bobcat–it would be pretty easy win for a human. Lynx or larger? No.
Animals fight all-out. Humans usually don’t. If you were in a real fight for you life with a house cat–or even a bobcat–it would be pretty easy win for a human. Lynx or larger? No.
Anarchist? No.
Communist? Yes.
After not being able to find a job with a 401(k), and knowing that the incoming administration is gonna gut social security… Yup.
You’re aiming for the medulla oblongata, the part of the brain that controls all the autonomic function like respiration and cardiac function. It’s right at the top of the spinal column. Hit that, and it’s lights out instantly. The easiest way to thin about the location is by putting a stick in your mouth and trying to touch you uvula, and then angled very slightly up from there, basically right through the soft palette.
That’s why a gun in the mouth is so often used in films and TV; it’s essentially correct.
Just want to point out the irony that the same people saying that Jordan Neely was not a threat are quite often in the same camp of people saying that it’s fair game to shoot men that say, “you body, my choice” because that’s a credible threat of sexual violence.
They do, and you don’t need to be a member to use their pharmacy. You also don’t need to be a member to see the optician that they usually have there, and in at least some states, if they sell liquor, you don’t need to be a member to buy liquor.
Oh, I wouldn’t use them to buy medication. I’m just using them to check the retail prices.
I know that their Costco prices aren’t correct though; if you’re a member and paying out of pocket, Costco will enroll you in a prescription savings plan.
$800 out of pocket for a three month supply
My brother in Christ, where the FUCK are you buying your testosterone that it’s $270/mo. without insurance? When I look on GoodRX right now, the average price for a 10ml vial of 200mg/ml testosterone cypionate is about $50. Assuming that you need about 200mg EW, that’s a 2.5 month supply right there. Even if you follow the recommended guidelines and discard the unused contents of the vial at the end of every month and buy a new vial, that’s $150 for a full three months.
It… Depends. There are ways of having a productive discourse. But it’s slow, and it doesn’t work well online.
Heretic. In theaters, I think opening weekend.
It was, BTW, absolutely fantastic. They absolutely nailed Mormon doctrine and dogma, as well as the practices of missionaries. I highly recommend it.
Never had one. If you get tested prior to each new partner, and require the same from them, it’s remarkably easy to avoid, as long as you don’t participate in hook-up culture.
We know that cops can break encryption on your phone
Depends on the phone. Cops have not managed to break the latest iPhone encryption yet, and I believe that some of the more recent Android is also currently unbroken. Regardless - if you don’t use a smartphone for doing questionable shit, there’s nothing to break. This is why burner handsets exist.
get everything from your social media account
Not if you don’t have one. And even if you do–a smart assassin isn’t going to post anything that’s remotely close to linking your real life to committing a murder.
track your payment methods for your ebike get away
Not if you steal it. Which is reportedly what happened. An even easier trick is to buy a used bicycle with cash off at your destination; you’ve already spent $1000 on a pistol with a threaded barrel, and about $2000 on the printer to print a silencer (because you sure as fuck aren’t buying a Dead Air Sandman and getting on an ATF list, right?, the printed silencer won’t last long, but it doesn’t have to), so what’s another $500 for a used bike, and $200 for a good lock and chain so that it doesn’t get ripped off while you’re whacking a CEO?
Pro-tip: .45ACP is always subsonic, although a silencer will never make a gunshot silent by any stretch of the imagination. Best case scenario for anything other than .22LR is that it’s going to be quiet enough that you won’t destroy your hearing if you pop off a shot in a small room.
to the CVS you bought your prepaid card with cash at
…Which is 500 miles from where you live.
they can use gait identification to ID you
Easy to fool just by putting a rock in a shoe. Also an exceptionally questionable (e.g. psuedoscience) method of identification, much like bite analysis.
use thermal vision drones to find you in some field.
First, they have to know who and where you are in order to even be searching for you in that field. Second, thermal is not nearly as useful as you’d think. A piece of carboard, a mylar blanket, even a sheet of glass will entirely block it. It’s not even going to be able to see through moderately heavy brush or tree cover.
I’ll buck the trend here.
Yes, I want him prosecuted. I want every single piece of evidence the cops have put out in public, and I want the public to see exactly how they traced him and caught him. I want people to see just how insidious the surveillance state is, and I want them to understand what kind of lengths they’ll need to go to in order to avoid getting caught the next time.
Hey, I’m against condoms. They suck, and don’t feel very good for anyone. That’s why I got sterilized, and when I was dating I got tested regularly and insisted on the same from my partner(s).
To build on this - casings and bullets are more likely to be useful because the marks left on them by the lands/grooves (for the bullet) or the chamber, extractor, and bolt face (for the casing) are likely to be consistent with the criminal’s firearm. However, this assumes that the criminal is caught first, and the gun they used was both recovered, and can be linked to them. (either circumstantially or by forensic evidence).
I suspect that, if you replaced the barrel and extractor immediately after committing a murder, it would be very difficult to link the firearm to the murder, particularly if it was an exceptionally common firearm. Although you’d want to buy the parts with cash, so that the purchase couldn’t be linked to you…
Should have had them directed by Quentin Tarantino.
It’s been years since I had glög; I should make that again since it’s starting to get chilly.
Unfortunately, part of living in the US is that most people aren’t exposed to other languages to any significant degree. If you are a native American English speaker, and grow up in a large city, you might hear enough Spanish to learn it, but that’s about it. I learned Spanish in school, but there was no opportunity to practice until I moved to a large city close to the Mexican border.
I watch one season of some show in a language I don’t understand
I wish my brain worked that way; I’d be watching Finnish television and movies all day, every day.
I watch a fair number of shows in Swedish or Norwegian, and I’ve never picked up anything from what they’re saying. I always have to have subtitles.
The reason I did it was to see if I could endure it. It was a matter of facing something that scared me because I knew that it was going to hurt, and still passing through. I’m not a stranger to pain–I’ve had well over 100 piercings, and currently have about 25 or so remaining–but a suspension is on another scale.
I guess you could say that it was a ritual for me, similar to many coming-of-age rituals that are done in tribal societies, such as some of the tattooing in the Maori culture, or the scarification done by certain tribes in Africa.
Some people say they experience transcendence; that the pain puts them in a euphoric state. For me, the swinging motion just made me motion sick.
DSL is the only thing available-outside of Starlink–in my area. My service is rated at 25Mbps. For almost everything it’s fine. It will take most of a day to download a PS5 game, but it’s fine for streaming video.