Cardinals molt their feathers and look really goofy about once a year iirc. Totally normal, nothing to worry about really.
Cardinals molt their feathers and look really goofy about once a year iirc. Totally normal, nothing to worry about really.
one of my favorite bird species names - Troglodytes troglodytes!
love that the shot actually shows their red belly. I mean, inasmuch as you can actually call it “red”.
Casual reminder that the NOAA has an official section on their FAQ page about nuking hurricanes -
The #Stop in that URL just jumps to the section of the page about commonly asked methods for stopping hurricanes, but you could also interpret it as them kindly asking that you #Stop this line of inquiry immediately.
I know it doesn’t actually answer the question, but the numbers included give you an idea of the kind of scale you’d be looking at. tl;dr hurricanes are much much stronger than nukes, and also it seems unlikely that dropping a nuke on a hurricane would even affect it in the right way to disrupt it.
funny, I had decent luck with the tanagers but awful luck getting orioles to stay still for pictures!
oh yeah the heat’s been awful, I think most of the cool birds peaced out already. this one’s from april though lol
tl;dr a lot of birds take sun and dust baths in order to kill parasites!
This is completely unrelated to the meme at hand, but the title just reminded me that for a while, Merriam-Webster mistakenly included the word “Dord” to mean density - because an editor misread the entry for “D or d” as an abbreviation of density.