I thought number 3 was a piss and a shit and a wank in a tree.
I thought number 3 was a piss and a shit and a wank in a tree.
Is this Lambton Worm territory?
Agreed - though I loved Anathem and couldn’t put it down at the time, I couldn’t go back to it.
I’m coming up to the crescendo (hopefully) of Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson. I can’t say that I’ve loved it as much as some of his previous work but it’s got 150 pages left to change that.
My first exposure to Ministry was seeing Just One Fix on Rage one night and being interested and confused simultaneously.
A little later, I was able to tape this off a relative and with a bit of effort, fucking loved it.
Now I reckon the run of The Mind…, Psalm 69 and Filth Pig is as strong as any three consecutive records I can think of.