Sexy cop stripper costume banned.
Sexy cop stripper costume banned.
Bring the truck above the titanic, give him a Playstation and just roll it overboard.
Deoxyribonucleic acid, for anyone wondering
All video generation models are heavily trained on YouTube. YouTube and Hollywood are essentially the only datasets.
Smoking rabbit is my spirit animal.
Fuck. I guess out of the three I’ll keep smoking but stop using condoms and vaccines to compensate.
I mostly empathize with him because he killed someone that represents all that I hate.
This post is bogus. Because of a made up scenario where I ostracized family members and coworkers because of their disabilities (which I dont), I should feel bad about giving this man my support, when his own disabilities have nothing to do with?
I get the “violence has no place in our society” arguments but what the hell is this?
Wasn’t it just a buffer zone a week ago and now it’s a settlement?
2035 is so far away, it’s basically just postering at this point.
I fully agree but it seems a lot of people are trying to pin the blame on the voters and not the party that decided apathy was a valid running platform.
It was more of an opinion piece. They were already being sued and he didn’t bring any new info forward from what I understand.
Using debit cards to buy things? I don’t get what you mean. Convenient?
In any case, there are numerous uncensored open source options you can run on your own computer or a rented GPU online, and there are already multiple Loras on of him. A Lora is an adapter you can put on a model that teaches it what the subject looks like.
My best guess is that someone brought a nuke to New Jersey and is making demands.
These things are car sized and flying low over densely populated areas. A medevac got told to pound sand because one was in the area. It’s definitely not an ordinary exercise.
The pentagon said today in a press release that it wasn’t military or a foreign nation and there has been more then a few excursion at various military bases by drones. Hopefully, it’s an eccentric billionaire or aliens and not ww3.
Tailgating and driving fast in parking lots. Some people just do these out of habit, it drives me nuts.
If you want to participate in threads where half the comments are deleted, go back to reddit.
We aren’t inciting violence, the fat cats and their bottomless greed are.
The gun with a silencer and the ID are going to net him a couple of years regardless. No one would risk that just as a diversion.
He is Gaben from steam. The picture is used a lot in article headers.
Private jet rides for her friends.
It was not my intention, I edited my comment to make it clearer.
Pretty sure I’m getting a watch from them this Christmas! They put me on the list for one and everything.