- Binary search: O(log(n))
- Sequential search: O(n)
- Linear search: O(n)
- Police ethnicity database search: O(0)
Question: Do kids who like kicking animals and watching gore tend to have good lives when they grow up?
I bet you call yourself a “Deep thinker”
Neither group has human souls, and in 2023 only one controls private academia with a monopoly on the meaning of words. There, simplified it.
This is the most “Portland Antifa Bookstore” thing I’ve read all week. You’re not more “principled” or “balanced,” you just want certain things to replace other things, (solarpunk lol), and you’re fully committed to avoiding the easy solution at all costs. Comfy Americans who want to stay comfy with no tough moral decisions ever make the worst kinds of leftists.
Yeah no way could you leave out Canada lmao. As soon as i graduate i’m fucking moving.
Western Europe? Scandinavia? China? Uhh Albania? No idea yet. As long as it’s not this soulless nightmare petrostate. Fuck the rent here and fuck the work culture.
If I show you a 1-hour drama breakdown about an obscure 2010s content creator it means I trust and respect you.
Yeah and they’re fairly accurate
When your one account got nuked years ago and its permanently suspended and rate limited 😍😍😍😍
Sdgflk I read that part out loud for no reason at a band camp once and nobody was interested. I was a weird kid
Lmao me with Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (makes sense ig it’s just a guys whole childhood)
Only merciful way to handle it (in singleplayer) is putting the game in super slow motion IMO. Like GTA V for instance
It’s freaky how easily this can apply to other fields as well. Take psychology for example - think tanks and other media donors churn out articles like “What’s driving the ‘No Hope Effect?’” or “The Science of Who’da’thunk-ology” to mystify basic cause-and-effect phenomena like paranoia, social alienation etc. Always written so solipsisticly and “quirkily”, offshoot of those early hipster-era bathroom readers like The Book of Awesome, like it’s written by a clueless parent trying to explain out-of-their-league concepts to a toddler. The whole OP comment’s also spot on for politics, economics, hell even modern military/police tactics (at least for the US). Look how robotic and consequently jumpy they get with that training.
The business and political giants who fund this stuff love to try and re-label a concept to sell it back to the public, as if it were brand new, so they can guide the overall public dialogue. It’s social engineering 101.
Idc this is funny
Alberta, and definitely traces of it in the Maritimes
Actually praying for the corporate/political astroturf campaigns to work this time. Just this once
Sounds like your parents died young of heart conditions
Are you laughing because you understand something we don’t, or just because you think it’ll make us go away?