Can’t say that I know, but I shall be avenged.
Can’t say that I know, but I shall be avenged.
Gross. Love it. Bream Theater is interesting too though.
Depends on when you got it. They are worried about people who got it in the late 60s to early 90s, since I think they were doing a one dose vaccine then. MMR since then is a double dose and lasts for life. If you’re 35+ you should check with a doctor to see if you need a booster.
Aylmer is a Canadian company that used to make really good ketchup. I’d buy it whenever I found it, but nobody stocked it regularly. Looks like they no longer make it, but this might be a great time for them to start up again.
Darmok and Jalad
Yar and Armus
Lieutenant Van Mayter and Decks 36 and 37
Pretty sure we couldn’t buy enough of anything to make a difference against the US in even the long term. Except nukes. Those are the only feasible deterrents we could use.
You’re with WSJ? Yeah, you’re fucked.
Why would this go to the US at all? They said it was a European issue and bowed out.
Agreed, but they can’t seem to push Canadians’ personal data into the hands of foreign companies fast enough. You’d think this would be a wake up call, but if our decision makers couldn’t already see the threat before, I doubt they will ever figure it out.
They need to demand that the government dump AWS too. Probably Microsoft too, but Amazon’s warehouse closures need to cost them.
IIRC, Riker prosecutes Data because if he opts not to do so, they will not have the trial and Data will immediately become the property of Starfleet. He does not want to do it, but is told that if at any point he is thought to be half-assing his duty, they will end the trial and find for Starfleet.
I don’t think they have much experience with races that were built by other races being considered sentient and have been accepted by the UFP, so I can understand a lack of precendent here.
And I would think that if Worf pulled off Riker’s arm, hilarious though it may be, there would be little doubt about the point he was trying to make between the difference in a painful dismemberment and the disassembly of a toaster.
It pains me to think that there soon may be a whole new employment field built around the demand for workers trained to muck out robo-vajayjay.
Trump just looks so weak here. So much for being a strongman. I guess he just likes being manhandled?
Never had a console growing up. Played Atari at a friend’s place, but most of us had C64 as our main, and we pirated the shit out of everything we could get our hands on. By the time NES was everywhere, the most fun stuff for me was in BBS door games. Trade Wars 2002, Modern Warfare (yes this is what I think of when I hear the full name, though MW is always Mechwarrior to me lol), Pimp Wars, and Max Headroom were some of the popular ones in my neck of the woods.
We need to stop framing the solution as more transit, more bike lanes and congestion pricing and start talking about requiring people to work from home. Stop normalizing spending billions just to put butts in seats.
Aussie pilot.
Why do all the 0 calorie sweeteners have to taste like a dead hobo’s arse?
Given your username, I thought you’d have gone with Master Blaster.
This is my hole, it was made for me!
That’s pretty much it. You shouldn’t be berating him for supporting Russia so much as you should be cheerleading him supporting Ukraine.