So you think appeasing an aggressor will prevent war? I think that is a dumb take and i don’t agree with your characterization of NATO being the cause. Those are Russian talking points and they are complete bullshit.
Just looking for a free internet horizon to sail towards.
So you think appeasing an aggressor will prevent war? I think that is a dumb take and i don’t agree with your characterization of NATO being the cause. Those are Russian talking points and they are complete bullshit.
Why shouldn’t we send troops in cooperation with our allies to safeguard the rules based order? The reason why we got into the world wars is because nobody did anything to prevent them until it was too late. To those dedicated individuals who are willing to lay down their lives for our liberty i salute them.
Why would there be a recovery if there is no recession?
To be fair Dr. Pepper and pizza will kill you, eventually.
When i think of Android i don’t think of it as part of the gnu/linux ecosystem, but a heavily modified linux kernel turned against the user.
The problem with Android is it is very invasive and in my opinion untrustworthy. How many of these Android OS’s from various vendors are not kept up to date, with unpatched vulnerabilities because they dump support to force upgrade their customers to the next model, when your phone should still be functionally viable. How many apps in the Android ecosystem are just info vacuums? It’s a very predatory ecosystem and i would prefer a libre solution to these scumbag predatory corporations. It blows my mind how people are so numb to the abuses of these companies, they won’t even consider alternatives. Iphones aren’t a viable alternative either unless you’re into joining abusive cults. I have both a Pinephone and a Librem 5, and they work fine if you don’t mind horrible battery life, i just wish we had more alternatives and I’ll put my money towards that endeavor.
I’m running Pop on my living room pc and it’s fine, looking forward to Cosmic when it arrives. Also have Linux Mint cinnamon on my bedroom pc. Been thinking of going back to Arch, but i’m lazy so i’ll stick with what i have unless i get annoyed enough to switch.
Windows is not ready for the desktop.
Mine didn’t have a smell, but don’t know how long that lasts, so maybe i was too late for the new deck smell.
They funny thing about ubuntu touch, it’s harder to install it to a pinephone than it is to a google phone.
Press the … button ->battery icon ->show perf overlay in Steam
Press the … button ->battery icon->performance overlay level
Hey, it’s Americans right to protect themselves from sweet innocent children.
This is what i use as well.
All these corporations looking to kill off their own relevance. They all in the same death cult or something?
That’s why you are supposed to check the pkgbuild before installing anything from the aur.
Can’t remember what i paid but was cheap, beat invaders, pretty awesome space invaders like arcade game, fun addictive game play, good music and sound effects, good visuals. Blast through fleets of enemies, skill up, and compete for daily and weekly high-scores. 32 hours played so far and is perfect for the Steam Deck.
MAONO AU-PM421. Works otb no muss no fuss.
I joined the metaverse via mastodon four years ago and lemmy 2 years. Guess that makes me a fucking hipster, lol. Though i’ll admit since the reddit fiasco i dumped reddit completely and made /kbin my home and been using the fediverse quite a lot more.
We need both fighters and drones.