Just imagine spending 4k€ on a graphics card only to find it’s partially defect.
Just imagine spending 4k€ on a graphics card only to find it’s partially defect.
The version with Linux, we call “GNU/Linux.” It is OK to call it “GNU” when you want to be really short, but it is better to call it “GNU/Linux” so as to give Torvalds some credit.
I suggest we call it Linux for short. Good thing you can use Linux without GNU.
With nix it’s easy to revert, if you keep your previous config. Version it with git and it’s really easy.
Take another look, you’re already standing on the top track.
That’s exactly what the cloud is good for, just use a cheaper holster like hetzner for it.
Rust libs for use in the kernel need an extra approval. But it turns out, whenever it’s easier to just include a dependency doing what you need, instead of writing a bad version of it yourself, most people take a dependency.
It doesn’t say what type of capacitor is used, but electrolytic capacitors can basically be charged and discharged indefinitely. They don’t wear down . However they age based on temperature. The ones at my work have 2000h @ 105°C. For every 4 °C coolor the lifetime doubles as a rule of them.
Taking pictures of evidence is also a really bad idea.
too much work for today’s tech
All the assistants listen all the time for their codeword. The new pixel phone show you a list of songs played around them and more. It is already happening all the time in the background.
Depends on your login flow. There is a session manager which normally boots up and let’s you choose. But you can also configure it to auto login and send you to the Lockscreen of your window manager.
The Bene Tleilaxu approve this plan.
I have a problem with religion in general. It is always a tool of oppression. It doesn’t really matter if how you slice it, but the abrahmic religions are just especially bad. You always have the the priest class that is better than the rest and most of the time the incredulous are worth nothing. The fundamentalists just make this inherent property of religion stronger and worse.
By that logic every sauna should be a rape orgy. Turns out, that’s not the problem. But what can you expect from a religion with a „She asked for it“ mindset.
I’m not sure if this is serious or not and that scares me.
Getting tried for the same crime twice is Bullshit.
Martin Shkreli, the asshole who’s company raised Daraprim prices from 13,50 to 750$ per pill.
Shkreli defended the price hike by saying, "If there was a company that was selling an Aston Martin at the price of a bicycle, and we buy that company and we ask to charge Toyota prices, I don’t think that that should be a crime.
Also without storing the nuclear waste.
Here is the List when each country released special coins and here you can lookup how the coins looked per year.
Netherlands has released 9 special coins.
What module would you like to have.
There are different kinds of free. Free beer, free speech and free weekend are three different kinds of free that software can have, but not necessarily at the same time.