I red this comment whith DT voice
I red this comment whith DT voice
I swear years ago I started talking of French revolution and guillotines among my friends, and I was alone. Now I see alot of those. Funny uh
As far as I can see is kinda hyperbole. Just did a brief search about “FORT test” and I’ve found several sites who let you try a similar test to train yourself: it’s a little more difficult than “can you read? - answer: YES/NO”. Actually I found those tests complex enough, even if english is not my mother language. This said, teachers of course need to be well trained for their job. Only, this FORT doesn’t seem a walk in the park to me. Long story short: misleading title.
They literally did?? I’m not surprised, only… You’ve a link?
Meanwhile I find comfortable reading this on Feddit.
Lettura mezza interessante, affogata in un sito orrendamente gomblottista e violentemente no vax. Mi chiedo se qualcun altro ha avuto la mia stessa percezione.