I can’t fully tell but it looks like it might be ai. The left pupil doesn’t go fully from top to bottom of the iris which doesn’t look right.
I can’t fully tell but it looks like it might be ai. The left pupil doesn’t go fully from top to bottom of the iris which doesn’t look right.
Democrats are pragmatically there for the money. They aren’t comically evil, but they are corrupt. They will throw an election before they ever give up AIPAC money and count on the next election swinging back to them. They get to sit back and watch the republicans be the bad guys and stir shit up for a few years. Then, when they get back in power, they fix the things that’s don’t make them money and look like he good guys but conveniently leave the unpopular policy the republicans enacted that makes them money and they don’t have to look like the bad guys. They just look incompetent. But they aren’t. This is all very purposeful. They love this dynamic. They benifit from it.
The democrats as they are for sure need to go. But we need to be more pragmatic ourselves about removing them instead of throwing elections to the republicans hoping it will teach the Democrats a lesson. Because it won’t. We need to focus on getting a foothold and changing the party. And that means turning out to vote in every election no matter what. Vote third party. Vote write in. Vote whatever. But sitting out of elections to teach democrats a lesson just isn’t going to do anything. It’s just throwing away the small amount of political capital most people have. If we don’t vote now its either corporate feudalism or civil war in the future.
Voter suppression is a real and serious problem. I still think most people too beaten down and busy to get out to vote, even if disenfranchised, aren’t about to help out with a civil war or do much to help fix the current regime.
One American to another, we need to recognize that most of our country either voted for this or enabled it by not voting. Most if us either support this malicious behavior or are apathetic to it. Sure. If you take a poll, most Americans don’t want the us to mess with Canada. But if people won’t even vote, then how do you expect them to take up arms to save Canada?
If you have a pixel. I use calyxOS since I don’t and it’s a bit more secure than lineage.
Also, if you bought your phone through your cell provider, its probably not happening. The bootloader is probably locked. There miiight be some janky tutorials to get around it, but you might brick your phone. Ask me how i know.
Countries already have lax immigration laws for scientists. I immigrated to Europe and where I am scientists are fast tracked to the nice residency and aren’t made to learn the local language.
Man I think this is just ensuring job security. Until you hired the interns and ruined it!
Yup. I live abroad and pay no US taxes.
I did that for years and then I emigrated because it didn’t work.
They aren’t the same. But they don’t need to be the same for them to both suck and not deserve to be in power. But harm reduction is real.
OK. But what are you actually doing right now? What are any of us doing right now?
Its difficult because the dems 100% were enabling genocide. But, crazy enough, there’s bad and worse genocide.
People who protest vote think they’re “showing the dems” when they don’t vote. Maybe the dems lose now but they learn a painful lesson and change in the future.
But here’s the thing. The dems would rather lose to republicans than change. They will eat your protest vote. And they will accept they lost power for 4 years. And then they get re-elected and go back to what they were doing before. Being greedy and taking money from lobbyist as much as possible, including AIPAC, but not outright malicious. They never change because people only vote centrist dem or further right.
And them dems suck. They’re bad. But Republicans? They’re worse. They aren’t doing genocide just for the profits. They’re also doing it for the fun of it. The dems will show some restraint to avoid war with Iran. The Republicans won’t.
So the protest vote won’t show the dems shit. It will just unleash unapologetic genocide instead of milquetoast genocide. And while they’re at it, the republicans will tank the economy and fuck up the lives of every minority they can manage.
Americans do a lot of SMS.
I have my subscription for another 6 months. If Andy is still in a leadership role by then, I’ll probably cancel. I stopped ignoring red flags in my 20s. I’m not going back now.
This is so disappointing. I’ve already migrated my passwords back to KeePass. Time to start hunting down other alternative. This is what I get for allowing myself the comfort of a centralized ecosystem.
I do this. But, I’m also lucky to live in a city with second hand shit everywhere. Not everyone lives in a city.
But, google shopping will tell you an alternative store to buy most things online. And compare costs for you. This gets tricky if you’re also trying to cut google out of your life though. There really is no ethical consumption under capitalism ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I didn’t say they exist. Though Sweden was making an attempt (before their president was assassinated in the 1970s) simply by giving employee unions more power. If worker/employee owned co ops had more opportunities for startup funding, why wouldn’t they form organically and compete with traditional businesses?
I got a soda stream with glass bottles. You can make soda from fruit (lemons and oranges are especially delicious - plus I can control whatever sweetener I use). Also, if you really want cola, then you can get concentrated syrup so there’s less plastic and liquid transport overall.