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Fairphone 5 is still on my list but unfortunate it does not support QI charging.
You are correct, there is a lot more to dive in like NAT, IPv6, static or dynamic address, UPnP, MAC address, subnet space etc.
But I wanted to keep it simple.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) is a communication protocol that is used to coordinate a network via a server. The server in most home cases is your internet router. It coordinates the network.
Think of your network as a town with streets, every street has a unique name aka network address. So when a new device gets into the town it gets a unique address in a certain format, when requested by the clients. Mostly IPv4 i.e.
Second there are ports. Ports are the house numbers of the streets. So if two devices use the same IP they still can be differentiated by using different ports. To address a specific port you write it behind the IP, in our example So we use port 80.
To come back to the beginning the router coordinates the IP addresses and the ports from your internal network via DHCP and makes sure every device is accessible and no doubles.
There is a lot more but very briefly this is it.
Check out FHEM, you connect them via MQTT
To report back, my system is up and running. Used my spare odroid xu4 with dietpi for it. Put it all in a case and attached a cheap Nooelec stick. Waiting for my antenna today and to decide where to put it under the roof.
Fine tuning for best reception location will be taking a while to be honest.
Here is an article that explains what you are thinking about.
In short, you can’t.
A bit longer, while in quantum dimentions it is meanwhile obvious that superposition exists. As shown by many experiments. In the marco world it seems that there is a threshold of factors still to be determined what makes reality happen even if nobody experience it on a conscious level.
You could als checkout some Kurzgesagt videos.
Uhh, this seems like a completely new rabbit hole to dive in.
For lurking without the need for an account I use this app on android
Soap, beside giving a good smell, has one job. It breaks up the water surface tension to enable it cleaning of the skin surface. Normally the water would not reach the wrinkels of the skin and would not take the contamination off it.
So any soap is good to go. The other stuff in soap like smell and moisture effects don’t matter that much in general and are overrated imoho.
Pocketbook anyone?
I am at book 2 second half . Its in german and they split 1 english book in two german audiobooks. So it is book 4 in germany.
My favourites
Peter F. Hamilton
And if you like his style
Adrian Tchaikovski
Jep, it seems like Damocles Sword was hanging above us the whole time (⊙_⊙)
This seems to affect ZFS >=2.2.0. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is on ZFS 2.1.5
OpenZFS through 2.1.13 and 2.2.x through 2.2.1 contain this bug.
This issue occurs less often in version 2.2.1, and in versions before 2.1.4, because of the default configuration in those versions.
From here
For all Proxmox users it looks like the new ZFS kernel module with the patch is included in the opt-in kernel 6.5.11-6-pve for now.
The kernel 6.5 actually became the default in Proxmox 8.1, so a regular dist-upgrade should bring it in. Run “zpool --version” after rebooting and double check you get this:
zfs-2.2.0-pve4 zfs-kmod-2.2.0-pve4
As this versions are patched for bug.
One of my favorite, second is different but also good and the third of the series just came out afaik.
The last couple of month I listened to the Stormlight Archive series but recently took a break.
I started Reamde from Neal Stephenson again. Funny thing is that its normally not my genre. Computer yes but I am more into hard sci-fi (Hamilton or Tchaikovsky i.e.) or epic fantasy like Sanderson.
But this book totally took me away out of my comfort zone. Thats why I started it a second time. Last was 2 years ago. I am desperate looking for another out of the loop for me but couldn’t find any, yet.
There is a massive amount of operating systems already. List of operating systems.
Why would you like to create a new one? A lot of the existing systems are specialized for use case and or hardware.
If you want something for general PC use then you have the software problem afterwards, an OS is useless without software support. You need a critical mass of supported software before it takes off. Means money and time.
If you want to make it windows compatible you have the copyright problem, if you are flying to close to the sun it will burn you before you get to your destination .
TL:DR to high effort, low outcome.
Edit: spelling