That’s the first thing i thought. I’m quite sure Argentinians have more important issues to care about.
That’s the first thing i thought. I’m quite sure Argentinians have more important issues to care about.
I isually browse Popular or All, and it mostly happen when I click on Next Page. I’ll try unsuscribing from all the subs.
Thanks for the info, glad to know it’s not just me.
I’ve been selfhosting this for months, it works great. Only thing is that most of the time I scroll through the same post like 20 times a day, i don’t know why.
Owncast rlz. I casted the whole world cup to family and friends, no problem at all.
WTF? I’m not sure if my files will get deleted. I wish google were a bit less evil and notify me of what i’m getting deleted.
I’m using Frigate with a Google Coral connected to Home Assistant, it’d send an image and a short video to a Telegram group with my wife whenever it detects a person.
I’m using OpenIPC firmware flashed on a chinese Goke camera and works great. It connects to Frigate using RTMP.
WTF I really thought Charlie Sheen was dead.
Didn’t the Marshall Island got nuked a couple of decades ago?
Openipc looks interesting. Just did a quick search and it’s kind of difficult to find a camera that specifies it’s chip.
I just finished listening to The Siege of Stalingrad ep 4, history repeats itself.
There’s a Lions led by Donkey’s Podcast episode about cutting a tree in North Korea, and it ended in North Koreans taking turns chopping into pieces an US Officers body for hours. I don’t think they care much about image.
There was also that NK guy who used sneak a kick in the balls to SK and US soldiers, that guy was famous. That episode was kind of hillarious.
Thanks for the honest answer.
I use pingvin to share files for non technical ppl, but i don’t think it’s made for your case.
Maybe syncthing would work.
Genuine question here: why?
Anything RTSP will do, but I’d recommend VLAN the shit out of it unless you are confortable having it call home every second.
I use wyze cameras with custom firmware.
I have been selfhosting for 2 years on a Ryzen 3600 bought from Aliexpress, maybe I paid like 90USD.
I use unRaid, which has been really easy to learn, you can achieve the same without it, but it’s simpler for us newbies.
You can easily setup Pihole on it, but what I liked the most is how simple is to use NPM+Cloudflare Tunnels+Whatever you want to expose to the internet without having to open ports on your router
The first thing I selfhosted was Plex+Sonarr+Radarr, my friends and family loves it.
I don’t know if it’s the best one, but I’ve been using Mikrotik Hex S for years and it’s been a great experience so far.
Been using my Hex S for 4 years and couldn’t been happier. It’s crashed on me the total amount of zero times.
Serious question here: how terrible that earthquake was for you guys?
Here in Chile, 4.8 is like nothing happened at all. The news wouldn’t cover it.