Dolly would never become a billionaire, she’d give away that money to help people lomg before.
Dolly would never become a billionaire, she’d give away that money to help people lomg before.
App permissions required:
Nah mate. Just rip up the streets and relay them yourself, it’s so simple smh.
You Forgot the classic
There’s a cafe near me that’s open 24/7. I’ve been in there a couple of times and the coffee is horrible, the last time I visited the guy behind the counter didn’t know how to turn on the espresso machine and had to call his boss.
But I’m 100% certain all those people turning up at 1am are just getting a caffeine hit before heading to the clubs
For me the hide option only appears on the home page version of shorts. I’m stuck with this shit in my subscription feed
My guess is that spez and co are hoping they’ve hit a critical mass of FB level users (your mum, your boss, that wacky aunt, the bus driver, etc) that after they fucked everything and the exodus happens, there will be enough people around who dont care cos “lol cats funny”.
I drop by Reddit 1-2 times per day but only at home on my PC and using old.reddt. There are still a couple of communities on there that haven’t moved to lemme yet.
And my porn account.
That’s a really good point.
Imagine your dog gets run over, you rush them to the vet but ultimately they die and your thousands out of pocket. You call the corporate helpdesk to log a claim because there isn’t anyone else to contact, they offer you $300 in credit for immediate resolution or you can dispute. You become upset because your dog was more than a credit refund, the call centre drone says that you’ve become aggressive, that you can call back during business hours and hangs up.
What a hell scape.
As a someone working in a library here in Australia, this plague has spread this far and we’ve seen a very large increase in the number of ‘complaints’ and threats to staff
My thoughts. It never starts as full blown conservatism but reaches that point by a branching topic. My brother was always financially conservative, boot straps and all that, but over the last 12-18 months as the media he consumes moves further right he has become more socially conservative, because these people were inline with his thinking before so they must be right now of course.
I caught him going on about trans people corrupting his kids a couple of weeks ago. My brother might be a dick but he wouldn’t have been saying that 5-10 years ago.
A made the mistake of watching YouTube on my TV a few weeks back, without an ad blocker. I was getting 1-3 15 second ads every 2-3 minutes!