Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.

Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.

Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024

  • Virgin births exist in nature. There are entire species of lizards that are only composed of females, for example the mourning gecko lepidodactylus lugubris only reproduces via virgin birth.

    Due to how parthogenesis works, individuals born through virgin births are always clones of the mother. Thus they are all females.

    If (big if) Jesus existed and IF (even bigger if) he was conceived through a virgin birth, he therefore must have been biologically female since there were no male chromosomes involved in his conception. Hence, Jesus sex must have been female but his gender was male (he/him pronouns)… ergo he was a trans man.

    If Jesus existed and was a biological male, he could not have been conceived through a virgin birth, the best explanation then is that either a) Mary had sex with Joseph, but then why the virgin birth story? Or b) Mary was an adulterer who concocted the “virgin birth” story to hide her adultery from Joseph.

    Since explanation a) falls flat on it’s face, we are left with either 1) trans man or 2) Mary the adulterer.

    Edit: correcting spelling mistakes

  • Covered doctors and specialists… out of network… people on Reddit kept telling me my socialised universal multi-payer healthcare by statutory health insurance, would mean I could not see the doctor I wanted and would wait forever for services. And sure, for everything that’s not immediately necessary I do wait some time. But for all things acute I can go to any general practitioner who will either provide immediate help or forward me to a specialist for immediate help. No matter where in my country I am, no matter which hospital, GP or specialist I go to, everything important is covered. And I pay less per month for it than Americans do.

  • His american colleagues sometimes poke fun at my cousins branch for only working 35 hours a week, taking long vacations and having lots of state mandated holidays throughout the year. When they hire someone new they sometimes comment on how lazy the german colleagues are…

    Then they point them towards the numbers and the fact that the german branch is constantly setting the productivity records. They’ve been outperforming the americans by more than 10% for years.

  • This mortifies europeans of every generation. In Scandinavia you can leave your pram unsupervised outside a café so your child can sleep well in the cool fresh air while you get a coffee and talk to the other parents doing the same. European schoolchildren walk or bike to school from first grade onwards and they can take public transportation all on their own. Our playgrounds would be deemed suicidal by modern american parents and they would freak out knowing children learn to whittle with sharp knives in a waldkindergarten.

    I really don’t know how americans can still believe to be the freest nation when the only freedom index they are not completely outclassed by european nations is the economic freedom index.

    To quote the greatest poet of our time:

    The finger to the land of the chains What? The “land of the free”? Whoever told you that is your enemy.