Please modify your biased and childish sources.
Really bored of re ddit
Please modify your biased and childish sources.
Extreme right want us to think that this is full of tankies to give the impression that they are a opressed minority, is in fact a nasty resource that they use when they see they are loosing a debate or simply the presence in a physic or virtual space.
This book could be recommended in those cases: https://archive.org/details/philosophicalpro0000hege/mode/2up and try to read everytime that you are idle, because maybe there is not an ideal place to concentrate about you and you have to include your life in the capital (capitalist system) rhythm by force.
I don’t know if it is good organized, but i like the DevianArt website, a bit classic, a bit modern, full of significant content.
Maybe most of the food is based in the ideals of what we want it to be, but the reality is the ingredients and the people who cook of your region.
Probably it could ignite by itself if that was needed for it.
just torrent everything and create little p2p servers :P
Maybe the book in which the Dune story was created, the Frank Herbert’s book.
haha never, here you can breath a fresh air of people and freedom, in reddit-twitter you have the freedom that a company “gives” to you. I am in both, but I am more proud to be here than to be on bruhddit.
“only the good die young”
I am playing fallen earth lately and reading some of the Hegel books, so good material.
Best gringo argument:
Self-hosted Gitlab.
Dr Slump and Killing Floor… could be a good mix because Dr Slump kid about everything.
I have the same problem, the last version keep login you out.
Nazi servers, including but not limited to freeinternetspeechextremist and some holes like those.
I like the TinyTinyRSS logo :P
Good answer. Totally based and logic.