And since this is the UK we’re talking about, you know they’re gonna use that data to track who’s trans and persecute them
And since this is the UK we’re talking about, you know they’re gonna use that data to track who’s trans and persecute them
conditions were so bad some countries had to order officers to shoot soldiers that were ignoring orders or even organizing revolutions.
They didn’t have to. They chose to. They could have let the soldiers go home and not had a war. They could have just kept playing soccer after Christmas was over.
We are on a sublemmy devoted to a 20 year old movie. People still watch LOTR.
Some of these websites are so simple that publishing an article takes as much effort as posting a Lemmy comment. There used to be a difference, but there isn’t anymore.
I don’t think every article ever published is read by the whole world. I think most of them are read by about as many people as the average Lemmy post
Well, I think it’s funny. I appreciate an author who has style and passion, it keeps me invested. It’s not like anyone’s opinion of the lord of the rings matters, so I couldn’t possibly be offended no matter what I thought of the movies.
I don’t believe rage bait is this common. There’s no evidence for this conspiracy theory that the author is hiding anything.
I think talking about one’s opinions is human nature and it’s pointless to oppose it.
Maybe the author is just really upset and feels the need to be mean about it. I don’t see the need to be mean back, condescension in an article never hurt anyone.
They are not for eating
What about their extended cuts? They don’t need those.
Well, now you have. The Hobbit is a silly, whimsical, and fun book. The barrels are awesome. I also like the singing and the dwarves giving Bilbo anxiety. My biggest gripe with the movies was that elf who romances a dwarf, I thought that plotline was boring.
That’s a bit mean. Why aren’t people allowed to have genuinely held opinions anymore? Why is everyone who disagrees with you faking?
That’s what I said, and they said no
No, I’ve been in this situation as a victim. My bike was stolen and they said it would take hours to search the CCTV. I told them about binary search, they didn’t understand.
More police wouldn’t cost more money if they stopped buying tanks.
I was in exactly this situation. My bike was stolen, there was CCTV, they said it would take hours to go through the time during which it was stolen.
I gather from your use of a slur that I was correct in my assessment that you’re ableist and pro-slavery scum.
So you think that shaming mental illnesses is an equal amount of respect with supporting the rights of slaves not to have their oppression glorified?
deleted by creator
They named the trans girl character Ryan. You know how in Harry Potter books everyone’s referred to by their last name? Well she’s Ryan. That’s not inclusive. That’s a writing decision and it doesn’t look good.
Which makes sense, given that the lead developer for most of development was a member of fucking gamergate.