I’m not sure why I used it, I don’t even know if I’ve used it in a real conversation. Felt good in the moment I guess? Maybe it was the memory of his failed casino that inspired me?
I’m not sure why I used it, I don’t even know if I’ve used it in a real conversation. Felt good in the moment I guess? Maybe it was the memory of his failed casino that inspired me?
I fear you are right. Though the original Teflon Don got his eventually.
Gotti died of throat cancer on June 10, 2002, at the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri.
Good point. What’s the over/under that it stricter?
Disappointed that it isn’t real
Glad we don’t wear those shirts anymore!
Suggestion: Make it worse - Make it worser
Thx, I’ll look into it, see if it’s my area
That’s how it feels
Ha, good point! They had to replace the entire pitch, twice!
You’re right, I wrote it out, hit send them thought to myself, I should’ve googled that. But, it was in the ether already, and we’re trying to build a bigger community through interactions. So it was a win-win as I see it. Plus it got us talking, too.
I was worried about that since they buy access to towers, thank you for sharing your experience. Are able to see when that happens in a concrete way, or is more just the noticable lag?
Thanks for not saying “look it up”. We can’t seem to keep anything nice. We were just about to leave for Mint. Do you like it?
When did they buy Mint?
He’s like Tom getting hit with and anvil while trying to catch Jerry
The only thing he will respond to. He has no shame, brags about it even. GET REKT
If chatgpt was running a sex robot, do you think it’d try some really awkward techniques? I mean porno moves that don’t really happen in real life. How many genitals will be mutilated before we raise up against the machines?
I love being right, but it’s better when others think so too, lol
That is a chilling point. They’re letting Tuberville take the blame, pay him whatever he wants, step 3 profit
No loyalty among thieves
Noice! I’m gonna use that