Skipping meals for a week won’t harm you. It’s water you can’t do without.
Two weeks starts to get dangerous.
Skipping meals for a week won’t harm you. It’s water you can’t do without.
Two weeks starts to get dangerous.
Boomer is a state of mind, and Gen X gobbled down hard on that Reaganomics.
Grenade on the plane, Pootin likes matching pairs
My favorite obviously fake sci-fi gun props are P90s.
Tacitus explicitly refers to a “Christus” crucified by Pilate and the cult followers he gave his name to, “Chrestianos,” distinct but related to Judaism. If there is a problem with citing him as proof of Jesus’s historical reality it’s that he doesn’t tell us where he heard about “Christus,” and might just be reporting the claims of the cult without having bothered to see if Prefect Pilate actually executed a random Hebrew cult leader for treason.
Of course, by the time Tacitus wrote he might just not have bothered, rebelling against Rome and getting executed for it is just kind of what Hebrews did at the time.
It’s honestly probably better if you don’t know anything about the characters. Caitlyn and Vi are pretty different from the game and really the only deep lore cut you’d miss is the Brackern crystals, and that’s probably going to be spoilers for season 2.
Honestly, that’s half the vibe of character creation in Fallout games too. Perfect casting tbh
Idk, I think it’s worth mentioning. I didn’t know that about him.
Jesus almost certainly existed, Tacitus refers to his cult and execution and he was not a fan of the weirdo Jewish cannibal cult or their growing popularity in Rome.
Everything else is a bit more in question.
They are/were. The pilots’ union ratfucked them in the Reagan years and they never recovered because, ya know, the rest of the Reagan years.
Trump was a Democrat until he realized the Republicans were dumb enough to vote for him. He’d respect self interest.
“We’ll figure it out in time. Even the oligarchs can’t be that greedy and short sighted.”
New red flag dropped?
Religion is like sexuality or following traditions, you don’t get a choice?
Locke got hard carried by Jean and his hatchets and we all know it
The Iran/Iraq border is mountainous, the Zagros mountain range. Easy to fortify, hard to attack.
Nah CK3 changed some things but the base gameplay is fundamentally the same. If you had a working knowledge of CBs and inheritance you’re already halfway done.
Depends on how much you like reading event dialogue.
The fun in Stellaris, at least for me, came from the bajillions of sci-fi references and events. The downside is that a lot of those come from DLC. The base is good by itself though, and you can always “acquire” the add-ons through other means.
What, like real mountains aren’t named after things you find there?!?!