“We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.”
“We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.”
To make.matters worse what is to say, Trump gets elected again but then the GOP find him unfit to serve because of his age and Vance become POTUS…
You are just being pedantic. Food insecurity is the term used for people who may have to skip meals because they lack money to but it, it is not provided by programs in schools/communities, or they have food but it is inadequate to meet their dietary needs to grow/develope or even live.
So yes you could not be “starving”, as you put it, because you can go to the corner store or whatever and buy a candy bar, but that doesn’t mean that same candy bar is going to sustain you. You body will starve because it lacks vital nutrients.
Do better.
12% of the population of the US would like to have a word with you.
Putting a little Hauk Tuah on that 50.
If they float, it typically means the person is consuming too much fat in their diet. Not always but moat times.
Do you want real life Exo Squad? Because this is how you get Exo Squad.
Joking aside, while this may be faster, I think it would safer in the long run to keep focusing on actually getting to space and achieving faster than rockwt/thruster propulsion and let evolution work with that.
I know you are being a little facetious but I think there really is a nugget of truth there. I didn’t full realize how much my Healthcare is, until this past reup and it got me thinking how many people probably don’t realize how much they are paying because it is a pre-tax deduction so they technically don’t even see the bill to realize how much they are paying.
Because they would also be paying for yours as well…
I swear people can not grasp that concept. This is not directed at you OP. I am just piggybacking my literal astonishment at these peoples cognitive dissonance.
I would LOVE to see a source on this, but I have a feeling I already know where it is coming from.
How are they influenced, and they aren’t used being used for publicity from what I can tell from the article. One of the first posts here does a pretty good summary of the article that it centers more around the outrage than actually the after-school program itself.
I would have liked to have been a bug on the wall to hear the grand jury deliberate this one. I mean I get the knee jerk reaction, but even so a kid who it seemingly was complying with instructions, gets shot anyway. How is that not negligent?
I think they were just side stepping since they paused the lower courts ruling and then when they found out she left the state they dismissed their ruling as moot and then just went and overturned the lower courts. Pretty fucking spineless but they can still throw a supposed W and make themselves out to upholding values or some other BS talking point.