Tbh I’d agree really. It’s the way they treat the queers that makes the cis folk burn cars
So he’s right.
Tbh I’d agree really. It’s the way they treat the queers that makes the cis folk burn cars
So he’s right.
Donate to wikipedia.
you think that but look up his signature it’s obviously done by a machine like most fuckin people these days
It’s because they’re convinced, through their own experience, there isn’t enough money to go around so we have to make more instead of use what we have wisely.
Aka send a plumber to the billionaires
yes. body this fuckin post.
go be stupid somewhere else
lol sure
Besides you don’t wanna buy it at release
Haven’t any of these people learned?
To be honest I don’t think he will for a simple reason.
Trump wants power, getting in a war with a powerful opponent won’t make him powerful. Ruining relationships, buddying up to Putin and telling people he will beat them up will give him power.
He’s a bully.
actually crying laughing after reading this
I completely disagree
Trump only won a small portion of the American voting population our problem is people don’t vote, not that most of them support this.
I think if it ever actually came to those lengths Congress wouldn’t support it. Congress decides if we go to war, not Trump.
Bet covid wouldn’t have happened or something
You can buy all of wikipedia for like 100 bucks on a flash drive and can download the whole thing for free.
It ain’t going nowhere
I would 100% agree on that but something that has kept me apathetic throughout the whole entire shebang was the guy who saw the squeeze when the stock was worth $7 bucks double downed after the squeeze which means he was confident in his analysis that it would be worth more.
Currently the stock would be worth like $80 right now presplit. I threw my first trump covid check into that and a few other stocks and that one has just sat. I’m still in the green now and I do think one day it could go critical again but not because of Cohen.
I believe firmly once the Flat earthers start to lose traction so will the Qanon and all the other dumb “conspiracy theories” then we can get back to the good stuff, bigfoot, aliens, loch Ness monster
I feel immensely awful for this guy