Non binary Environmental communist
Double cheese burgers at burger King for $2 much of this year
Didnt he try to make a 15 hour cut scene and the execs told him no
Most of this makes sense, except Pat Socs, who are they?
Sonicthehedgehog protein was named after being studied in fruit flies. Turns out a defect in that protein can cause infant brains to not be made right. Ma’am, i regret to inform you that your child has a deadly malformation of their sonictheheadhog proteins and is going to die.
I broke up with my fiance today, it was was the most painful thing I’ve ever done
That’s not what AIDs patients patients wanted. or trans youth seeking puberty blockers to reduce their suicidal thoughts wanted.
Because it sounds more ethical when you call the control group placebo instead what they are, and expendable group of fools sacrificed for numerical convenience
It was 10 years into playing Skyrim on my 4th medium of playing it that learned the courier wasn’t supposed to be naked. I thought it was a comment on his poverty or something
I’m starting to think I would be happier in a different relationship than I am in. Not with anyone in particular, we just fight a lot and maybe it’s time to stop
Whenever I think about this article, I think about how they could not have possibly known how emissions would grow, and they were perfectly reasonable to frame it this way. And if things stayed at that rate, we would have been able to do something about it so easily when we started getting worried
You would likely start from the center of your galaxy, then pick a culturally relevant star near the outskirts, in our case Sol, and call that, well, something (Solbound?) Then work your right angles from there. You could pick other cultural stars in the other directions too.
Most galaxies are pretty flat, so you’d probably have to reference a conveniently positioned other galaxy for your up and down.
I wear a baseball style cap every day to protect my long hair during my day job in the HVAC industry. I stuff it up in there
Or conjecture
Idk, words are tools as well. Right now it’s being used to wake people up to the fact that republican policies are very invasive, harmful, and unpopular. I get being uncomfortable, but this is just language being language. And it’s overall going to be beneficial.
You exist in the context of all In which you live and that came before you
Seems like this map accurately displays the poles at the expense of the continents
Things move to the right when the right wins. Things move to the left when the left wins. If the center wins, then things don’t move much at all. The lesser evil prevents greater evil