You just need to bug bomb every few weeks. Its not hard labour.
You just need to bug bomb every few weeks. Its not hard labour.
My prediction is that sony and microsoft will have benchmarks 3rd party devices have to hit in order to buy a “PS6 Compatable” logo for their product. So you can buy a Msi Claw 3 or whatever, sign into the PSN and shop the sony catalogue.
Ive dealt with a few though, its not really as bad or as hard as most people think. Its just about being thorough and sustained, you arent going to get them all in one hit. It just takes a few months of regularly repeating the basics of bombing, baits and spray.
They should increase exponentially over say a 5 year period. Anyone can not see a sign or accidentally overstay a meter now and then, starting with a “Hey jackass” amount of money that to most people would merely be an annoyance but escalate relatively quickly.
In many countries that have socialised healthcare smokers on average contribute 2 to 3 times what their healthcare costs the government in taxes on cigarettes alone over their lifetime. So I mean… you’re welcome.
I was thinking “80s Police Lieutenant who is tired of my screwball antics”.
Just remember folks, someone being fat is not a reason to hate them. Theres literally nothing else about him thats a redeeming quality, his being a lardass is the least deplorable thing about him. The fact that he must just shovel empty calories into his maw all day atleast limits the stupid shit coming out of it.
He is so egotistical he probably thinks he is still at peak performance.
Dont cheap out too much, really cheap ones have terrible mechanisms which will make you not want to use it. They are big, heavy and kick your arse exercise wise so they tend to get sold second hand quite often. Much better off buying a used higher end machine than a brand new cheap one.
Concept 2s are very popular in gyms.
Oh no, they got Blasted?!?
Is that worse than Slammed!?!
Like this guy has a point they dont have a duty of care, they didnt take an oath, they are a private for profit company with shareholders. They will absolutely take as much as they can, give you as little as they can and be as cunty about it as they can get away with.
Its fucking WRONG but its not surprising.
Id say The best 10 episodes are some of the greatest prime time comedy ever made. Theres probably another 20 or 30 episodes with jokes, arcs or bits that are also comedy gold with a fair bit of filler. But theres 172 episodes…
But I also defend Big Bang Theory as “6 seasons of a good and funny show, dragged out over 12” so maybe I’m just easily amused.
I fucking hate Gossip Girl.
I’m also a 40yo man… so… that tracks.
Ok. I dont care.
Give the lead paint some credit.
Thats exactly how I feel “Its sad that this is looking like the solution”
Like, it had to come to this? You couldnt just set up your little racket and keep the golden goose fat and happy? Or atleast adequately provided for and left alone?
Preworkout. 2 scoops and I am fucking unstoppable. Also insufferable, and slightly manic but shit gets done!
Because my boss knows if he tries to make me pick between my job and my baby girl… He WILL lose. There wont be a discussion or an argument, he will lose, I might get fired but so be it.
Once people have kids they have more to lose, but running head to head with them instead of making minor concessions is the dumb move. Theres always another job and guaranteed they will start looking immediately if they dont quit outright if you pick that fight. As a supervisor at my job people with kids are also more inclined to bust arse to make sure people arent carrying their load when they do need a bit of special treatment because they still need to provide and have a solid income.
Malicious compliance story.
Friend of mine was paying child support for his kids, his ex wife was claiming no income as she had to look after the kids which he knew was bullshit and she was working in the new boyfriends restaraunt but claimed that she was just "helping out when she could. That stopped for a year when her and her new boyfriend wanted to buy a house, so he gave her a very nicely paid job working at his restaraunt as a “manager”. They found and bought a house and immediately she was “fired” and went back to seeking child support.
So he sued to have the child support lowered as she can clearly work when it suits her goals and she fought it kicking and fucking screaming, tried taking away his access to the kids and generally making his life hell. So he went to the tax office with a hot tip “I’m willing to bet that between (insert dates here) this restaraunt somehow took in exactly (insert what ex-wife made + taxes) more than they normally do per year. Id be willing to bet it was their best year ever and I guarantee you will find some very cooked books”
Turns out its really easy to get custody when your ex-wife is being charged with fraud and tax evasion.
Now Im not in the US so I dont know ticket prices but seats are seats, maintenance on the stadium is largely a fixed cost. Empty seats generate $0 in food and ticket revenue.
If you can reasonably predict that a family of 5 can go have a great time for $50 + tickets you are going to get families coming, making it a thing the family does regularly which also sells merch and jerseys and creates life long fans, which creates a franchise that pays off in the long term. Its good long term business thinking. Nobody is going to the Basketball because the Hotdogs are amazing, your selling the experience not the food.