Absolutely. Eventually your small dog will represent an opportunity.
Absolutely. Eventually your small dog will represent an opportunity.
I, for one, welcome our new packs of squirrel carnivores.
Amazon is what it is because it creates an easier path for America to buy cheap, as Walmart and McDonald’s has done before to great microscopic economic success, due to the failures of our economic paradigm that shrinks wages and pushes manufacturing offshore for corporate profit.
We need higher wages, which create higher prices, which corrects for the misdeeds of our economic exploitation of foreign economies.
We have offloaded our economic burden onto other poorer nations, and that needs to stop. Pay a living wage and accept the higher cost at lower profits. Doing otherwise is an economic ouroboros that only swallows the easy part at the sake of the whole in the name of kicking an inflationary can down the road so that yachts can grow larger as the foundation of this country in undermined for icarian profits.
Fuck your CEO, pay us so they can pay us something and they can have less than everything, so they can keep from having nothing less than more than we can achieve through reluctant violence.
The sky is blue and water is wet rank beside this revelation.
I think it was “in tow” I saw in second thought.
Aren’t there certain circumstances where you are suppose to write “in transit” on a vehicle? Like it is being towed somewhere without registration?
I seem to recall seeing something like that when a dealer or shop was moving vehicles elsewhere.
A gun safe wouldn’t address the issue, did you read the article?
They are talking about negligent discharges caused by pulling the trigger on a gun without a magazine that had a round in the chamber and the gun doesn’t have a magazine disconnect. They are advocating for magazine disconnects to be required on all firearms, which is the wrong way to go about addressing the issue.
Proper safe handling of a firearm is how you prevent negligent discharges, a safe will have no impact on the scenario they brought up.
I bet a fair amount would chill the fuck out if they had a vibrator.
Mentally ill and delusional.
I love that for him.
Wasn’t that one dev who said that?
I’m not even ultralight. I have a framed pack and a whole toothbrush. Those guys are nuts.
My first backpacking trip, my bag was 40lbs. I said fuck that jazz, and now my pack is 20lbs and it has made trips so much better.
Or what you put in a storage unit that is inconveniently far away. I still need those 5mm magnets…
Backpacking. I have a big plastic bin filled with equipment that I decided to go another direction with.
But makers are the kings of hobby hoarding, just look at Adam Savage. He has parts for things he hasn’t even thought of building. He has a plethora of tools that overlap entirely just because the set of tools is closer to a given work aspect. Walls of bins with various degrees of filled because he bought 100 of something a decade ago that may have a future use.
That type of fitting is definitely low pressure because it is barbed.
Terrible bank, like most that aren’t credit unions, they have over leveraged tens of billions against individual account balances and been a leaky sieve in tech security.
They also bought 2 hotdog factories to minimize the loss.
Costco does pay decent as well.
Could they do better? Yes, but they are pretty decent for employees and consumers.
Do you have any concept of manic winter cleaning? Have some ceviche or tacos with salsa and get productive, clean the house with a toothbrush or write your novel and accompanying screen play during those long winter months.
S.A.D. no more, geek on tomatoes and get shit done.
The words written on the casings is a message. It is not a statement and backstory. The vagueness is doing what it is meant to, cause speculation and inspire fear for people who identify with the victim.
We can easily assume, but we don’t know.
Biltong is so damn good. I would be upset I couldn’t save any for later but hedonistically joyful in getting to engorge myself on biltong.