But what if you ever lose the ability to breathe but not walk?
But what if you ever lose the ability to breathe but not walk?
This doesn’t address the core issue of capitalism:
Owners in general (of businesses, housing, everything) get all the money, thanks to the opportunity to mercilessly take advantage of workers/renters/everyone else. And taking advantage gets you more money to take more advantage of people.
The passivest of incomes goes to the owners, the ceos are just the highest paid guard dogs of those people.
Is that ok? Passive income being much harder to earn for everyone, unless you are rich enough to start your own business, that is.
Are we not going to end up in the same situation? Isn’t it basically the same situation we’re already in?
Of course true, just a dream 🥲
Yeah, when you’re going 90km/h, it’s fucking idiotic. It’s way too fucking close, you’re going to kill someone. Random brake check incoming!
There is no Firefox without people’s desire for privacy. There is no sufficient privacy without people removing the diseased fingerprint of multiple big companies.
There is no possibility of a big browser surviving, without caving to big companies, in the artificially hostile web created by Google’s monopoly.
And that last one is fundamentally unfair, beyond any accusation of “Derivative!” anyone can make.
I call this comment, the “58008’s Wild Ride”
My mental illness is a convenient side effect of society’s plan to literally weaken its populace for the sake of control and political stability 💕
(It’s the God one, just replacing God with the ruling class 🥰)
It’s better, because here the underlying pacing isn’t left ruined after the removal.
Removing the laugh track leaves behind (hilariously) awkward gaps.
Actually kinda funny still, lol
Fyi, string theory, which is a popular, well known theory that assumes 11 dimensions, doesn’t really have that much appeal in the scientific community. It’s still fun to talk about tho
…? Hardcore plumbing?
That’s every company though
That’s intentional. Variable reward schedule, just like every other algorithm.
I’m order to addict you better to scrolling.
100% lol, hadn’t thought of it that way
As per usual. If you don’t have money to protect yourself, it’s because you’re lazy and/or stupid, and definitely worth condescending.
I mean, they didn’t bother you guys.
The guy was just cold, and the gal had a personal moment. Not their fault, that you two little kids were scared of strangers.
Kidding aside, and assuming what you’ve written is neither internet-talk nor standard schizophrenia tendencies, it might be carbon monoxide poisoning. It was a phenomenon, with haunted houses very often just having faulty heaters of some kind, causing hallucinations in the right doses.
Please do not add genAI images to punch up your writing. You might think that it adds a nice little bit of visual pizazz to your content-marketing piece, but what you’re actually doing is making it look like content marketing rather than a useful resource. To the extent that content marketing is an effective tactic, it is because you build trust with the customer by providing them valuable information. A genAI turd plopped on top of your writing is a signal that it will be worthless slop.
To sound (and be) even more pedantic though, any number except one (1) can be dozens, but truly any number can be a number of dozens, as my comment said.
1 is a number.
Any number is a number of dozens if you think about it
Sure, no objections there
So, to condense the article:
We are having a tough time! We’re thinking of closing our German factories, and ending our “We don’t fire people” Guarantee!
Politicians, please save us by regulating our competitors and exempting us from sales tax on new technologies!
Because our primary source of money before, was selling in China (40% to 50% of earnings), and now Chinese EVs have taken over both China and the local market! So, with our shitty expensive EVs, we can’t compete, and, worst of all, China is buying less from us, so we are losing all that money!
We kept selling to the most vulnerable market and pocketing innovation money, and now we got out-innovated and that market is no longer vulnerable!
Please give us tax-money and regulate our competitors away, otherwise we will make a political stink, and throw workers on the street!
Revanced is a game changer